Blame Clinton!!!
Isn’t it amazing? Whenever the Republicans get caught with their pants down they blame Clinton. That is if they are not blaming gays or liberals. Let’s look at just the most recent examples from just the last few weeks.
Gays! Congressman Foley from Florida gets exposed as a pedophile. Not only is he a pedophile, it has been known for some time by the Republican leaders in Congress. The Speaker of the House knew it. The one in charge of the congressional pages knew it. And, apparently a lot of the Republicans knew it. So what did the Republicans do when it became public knowledge? Did the Republicans come clean and admit it? Did they apologize? Did they do one single thing that wasn’t reprehensible? The Republicans conflate Foley being a homosexual with pedophilia! The Republicans say that all homosexuals are child molesters. (By the way, 98% of pedophiles are heterosexual) The unified, single minded, reprehensible action by the Republicans is to BLAME THE GAYS!
Liberals! When it finally comes out, or at least suspected, that the Republicans have been covering up Foley’s pedophilia, what do the Republicans do? Do they apologize? Do they admit there was a cover up? No! The Republicans accuse the Democrats of a master conspiracy. A conspiracy to infiltrate the Republican Party with gays and, just before a midterm election (not a presidential election, mind you, which would have done more good for the Democrats than a midterm), the Democrats reveal their master plan by exposing Foley! What do the Republicans do? BLAME THE LIBERALS!
Clinton! The North Korean Dictator threatens to make nuclear weapons. Clinton prepares to attack North Korea, negotiates with the dictator making it clear that a nuclear North Korea was unacceptable. They negotiate and stop their processing of fissionable material started under Bush the First. Clinton provides them food and fuel oil for their electrical generators. They STOP their nuclear program, let in the IAEA and secure their fuel rods. I call that a success. What did the Republicans call it? Cowardice.
Then Georgie Boy becomes president. Georgie Boy refuses to talk with North Korea. Georgie boy invades Iraq, a nation with no nuclear weapons. North Korea sees that and realizes that Georgie Boy attacks nations without nuclear weapons. So they start their nuclear processing. Did they keep it a secret? No, they announced it to the world. The Republican administration says it is just as ploy to have one on one negotiations with the U S. North Korea agrees to six party talks. What does Georgie do? Georgie freezes their banking assets. And still, Georgie Boy refuses to negotiate. North Korea starts the processing and finally announces they are going to detonate a bomb. They announce it to the world! They detonate a bomb and what do the Republicans do? Do they realize that it is perhaps better to negotiate than to ignore? No. Do the Republicans take responsibility for what has transpired, knowing that not one single ounce of Plutonium was made by North Korea while Clinton was President? No. All the Plutonium made by North Korea was made while Bush One was president or when Georgie Boy was president! What do the Republicans do? BLAME CLINTON!
It makes me laugh. The Republicans always blame someone else for their shortcomings. They rarely, if ever, stand up and act like real men and admit their errors. But they sure do like looking tough. Take Chris Wallace.
When Chris Wallace on Fox (faux) News interviewed Clinton after promising to talk about Clinton’s pet project, thirty seconds into the interview asks, “Why didn’t you do anything about the attack on the Cole?” Keep in mind that the attack was in October of 2000. The CIA would not or could not confirm that Osama Bin Laden was behind the attack until February of 2001. So Clinton could NOT do anything about the attack on the Cole. It would have fallen to the next president inaugurated in January of 2001. Who would that be? Could it be Georgie Boy? What do the Republicans do? BLAME CLINTON!
When I saw Clinton turn the tables, wag his finger in Chris Wallace’s face and emasculate him with logic and reason, it made me feel good. It made me feel that there was a leader who was not afraid to tell the truth. It got me fired up to work hard for our good cause! What do the Democrats do? Do the Democrats use that kind of fire, that kind of willingness to stand up to lies? No. The Democrats are silent. . .
. . . and so is the rest of the Democratic Party. Do the Democrats defend Clinton and applaud him for telling the truth and for his good presidency? No. The Democrats are silent. . . and so is the rest of the Democratic Party. Do the Democrats rally around their falsely accused fallen leader? No. The Democrats are silent. . . and so is the rest of the Democratic Party. Do the Democrats even realize what an opportunity they have if only they could use Clinton to energize the people and get them fired up to fight for our cause? for truth? for justice? for Democracy? No. The Democrats are silent. . . and just let it quietly fade away.
I don’t know about you. But as for me, give me an outspoken, won’t take any crap from some weasel, articulate, educated, knowledgeable man like Clinton and I will follow him to the polls! I think a lot of Democrats would. I think a lot of Americans would! I think we need that kind of fire and leadership!
That’s as I see it. . .
How about you?
Monday, October 16, 2006
Why Grid lock would be better than new legislation.
If and when there is an honest counting of ballots and Democrats take over the House of Representatives and, perhaps even the Senate, I wonder if the Democrats will be able to get any controversial legislation passed? There would most likely be a sufficient number of Lock Step Republicans that could filibuster any significant laws "The People" want. You know, laws like increasing Veterans benefits, taxing the high profits of the big corporations, providing money for schools and school security, or even breaking up the huge corporations with the Sherman Anti Trust Act. I would call those examples significant legislation.
Also to prevent such legislation would be the Veto power of the president. This president has only used the veto once in six years and that was to stop stem cell research. I’m sure Georgie Boy would pull out the old Veto Power to stop any legislation that would threaten his big Republican contributors, all the time professing a "Christian" belief in his cause. Of course, the Senate would not be able to over ride the veto because of the closely divided numbers of Democrats to Republicans.
But you know what? A Grid-Locked two years would be an improvement over the past six years! That’s because the Lock-Step Republicans couldn’t continue making legislation that benefits big business, places higher taxes on the little guy and subsidizes the oil, pharmaceuticals and the credit card companies. At least that would stop. That is why I say Grid Lock would be preferable to any new Republican sponsored legislation.
Now let’s focus for a moment on what kinds of things could get done in Congress during the next two years. Two words; Subpoena Power! Here’s an example: Which matter do you think is more vital to the reputation and honor of the United States, using a Christmas card list as contacts for political contributions or authorizing torture at an American run prison? The Republican Congress spent 140 hours of sworn testimony investigating whether Clinton used the White House Christmas list to contact people for political contributions and that Republican Congress spent just 12 hours investigating Abu Ghraib. (Thanks to the Mahablog for that info)
With Subpoena power, the Democrats will be able to do honest investigations into the atrocities of the Bush administration, the misuse of taxpayer funds, the writing of legislation by lobbyists or even the Energy Commission under Cheney. Just imagine how things could come to light and have to bare the scrutiny of truth!
Yes, I won’t mind a Grid Locked Congress. Watching the subpoena power work and expose the truth will be a better show than the Water Gate Hearings were.
That’s as I see it. . .
How do you see it?
If and when there is an honest counting of ballots and Democrats take over the House of Representatives and, perhaps even the Senate, I wonder if the Democrats will be able to get any controversial legislation passed? There would most likely be a sufficient number of Lock Step Republicans that could filibuster any significant laws "The People" want. You know, laws like increasing Veterans benefits, taxing the high profits of the big corporations, providing money for schools and school security, or even breaking up the huge corporations with the Sherman Anti Trust Act. I would call those examples significant legislation.
Also to prevent such legislation would be the Veto power of the president. This president has only used the veto once in six years and that was to stop stem cell research. I’m sure Georgie Boy would pull out the old Veto Power to stop any legislation that would threaten his big Republican contributors, all the time professing a "Christian" belief in his cause. Of course, the Senate would not be able to over ride the veto because of the closely divided numbers of Democrats to Republicans.
But you know what? A Grid-Locked two years would be an improvement over the past six years! That’s because the Lock-Step Republicans couldn’t continue making legislation that benefits big business, places higher taxes on the little guy and subsidizes the oil, pharmaceuticals and the credit card companies. At least that would stop. That is why I say Grid Lock would be preferable to any new Republican sponsored legislation.
Now let’s focus for a moment on what kinds of things could get done in Congress during the next two years. Two words; Subpoena Power! Here’s an example: Which matter do you think is more vital to the reputation and honor of the United States, using a Christmas card list as contacts for political contributions or authorizing torture at an American run prison? The Republican Congress spent 140 hours of sworn testimony investigating whether Clinton used the White House Christmas list to contact people for political contributions and that Republican Congress spent just 12 hours investigating Abu Ghraib. (Thanks to the Mahablog for that info)
With Subpoena power, the Democrats will be able to do honest investigations into the atrocities of the Bush administration, the misuse of taxpayer funds, the writing of legislation by lobbyists or even the Energy Commission under Cheney. Just imagine how things could come to light and have to bare the scrutiny of truth!
Yes, I won’t mind a Grid Locked Congress. Watching the subpoena power work and expose the truth will be a better show than the Water Gate Hearings were.
That’s as I see it. . .
How do you see it?
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