Tuesday, October 16, 2007


There are so many things happening in the news today and over the last three months that I wonder if Americans are watching and, more importantly, listening. Republicans (which may be an unfair way of describing ALL the people in the administration) are trying desperately to do several things: make the Democrats look bad or stupid, make the Iraq OCCUPATION look successful and make the Congress look ineffective.

First: The Democratic Party is the official name of the Democrats. So when you hear any Republican or the president refer to the “democrat party,” they are being purposely disrespectful. No matter how much you (both the individual and group “you”) disagree with someone or a group’s opinion, showing enough respect to address them by their proper name is considered proper decorum. Republicans are being deliberately disrespectful. If you ask why, it is because their opinion poll revealed that the term democrat polled as less positive than Democratic.

Second: The Iraq occupation is referred to as the “Iraq War” solely for the purpose of gaining (or appealing to) patriotic feelings that we, the nation, are at war! The reality is that the war was over when “Mission Accomplished” was declared. We, the Americans, as represented by the American military, had vanquished Iraq. The obvious next step was to find the “weapons of mass destruction” that we could never find; and still have not found.

Third; Republicans are obstructionists! Remember when they accused Democrats of being obstructionists? And all because the Democrats didn’t want to allow the blanket acceptance of right wing judges? What did the Republicans do then? They threatened the “Nuclear Option” of removing the rule allowing filibusters from the senate rules. Have you heard the Democrats propose anything like that? Of course not! The Republicans are truly obstructing governing by majority by not allowing the Democrats to complete motions and laws that would put an end to this “Dictatorship” of Bush!

Are you listening America? Are you watching your rights slip away? Are you listening to the spin of Republican rhetoric and realizing how much they are lying to you, subverting our government “by the people” and turning it into a Fascists State of Corporatists?

If you don’t wake up soon; get involved soon; speak out soon; we will loose this country!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Within the Bush administration, many loyal servers of George Bush have left. The most recent are Alberto Gonzales and Karl Rove. Both George and Karl are two of the most sought after witnesses in Congress. Congress is trying to get to the bottom of the attorney firings done for political reasons. All “roads” seem to lead to the White House and to Karl Rove, Roberto Gonzales and George Bush.

Does their resignation allow the investigations to just stop? Should they?

Every person who has resigned so far has put an end to the concern about their performance while they held the office. It was a magic eraser, making all the official interest go away. If that has been the history, will it be the same with Roberto and Karl?

Our society “seems” to want to put unimportant things behind us. By unimportant, I mean things no longer pressing, in the news or seemingly of done with. My fear is that if Democrats in Congress continue with investigations about warrant less wiretapping, torture, ignoring the Geneva Convention, going to war with intelligence fixed around the desire; then the people will tire and just want the problem to go away. That is my concern.

If you should feel that way, think about this. What precedent has been set for the future? Also ask this question: If a Democrat were President, would the Republicans want the same policies? Remember how they were when Clinton was president?

A greater principal is involved. That principal deals with respect for the Constitution, being a nation of laws, and a check and balance system of democracy with the three branches of government.

If you DON”T believe in the three branch system with oversight, then go back to you video games and TV. If you do, WRITE your congressman and senators. Tell them how you feel. Remember! They work for us in the this country.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Bush is a bully. He’s a bully on the people’s “playground” of congress. Bush has ignored the Constitution he swore to uphold. Bush considers himself above the law. He has dedicated followers, Cheney, Gonzales, Harriet Meyers, and a great many young, dedicated, (however delusional), interns, a few generals and a great many fellow neo-cons. Bush threatens and gets his way because no one is willing to stand up to him and endure the criticism of the Republican “Spin Machine.” Many representatives talk a tough line, but when called upon to stand up, make excuses and give in. We, the people, have had enough!

We are an orderly people. We are a nation ruled by laws, not kings. We ARE the government. As Lincoln said, “…a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” When our representatives stray from the course we want, we must act. We the people, will elect a whole new set of representatives who will do our bidding. We, the people, will not allow a sect of idealistic power to rule us!

Act now! IMPEACH BUSH AND CHENEY! Or we will surely replace all of you!

It takes only one to stand up and start because a bully cowers in fear when challenged. Bush has yet to be seriously challenged. If any one of you, the congress, will stand up despite the political incriminations from the right wing spin meisters, begin the investigations for impeachment and let the truth come out, We, the people, will be served!

The truth is: bush has spied on Americans without judicial oversight and admitted it, misled the American people into pre-emptive war against a country that did no harm to us, destroying the middle class with tax breaks for the rich, and has taken over the judiciary system.

When one person stands, suddenly many others have the courage to stand with them. Then the bully looses his courage, his friends and his power.

Congressman or Congresswoman, you could be the one to stand up! Start impeachment hearings. Impeach Bush and Cheney! These people have done so much damage and harm to our country, our Constitution and our image in the world. If you can’t be the one, be one of those who stand together.

Speak truth to power!

Friday, July 27, 2007


. . .the definition of INSANITY. If that is true, then George W. Bush has taken insanity to a new level. All experts on Arabic culture agree that Arabs will unite when threatened. The “Uniter” keeps saying that al Quida in Iraq is the enemy. Experts say that of those opposed to American occupation, only 5% are al Quida. The remaining fighters are Arabs opposed to American occupation believing that America is there to hurt Islam.

George W. Bush, the “Uniter,” the “Decider,” the “Commander Guy,” says we are “fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here.” The reality is that if we get out of Iraq, the Iraqis will fight al Quida because they don’t want them there either.

So the “Decider” is not only committing the same action and expecting different results, he is basing his action on a wrong assumption that he refuses to re-think! He is even going further in his insanity in that he refuses to change his actions with changes in developments on the “battle front.”


The question I keep asking is “Why?” Can he possibly be that stupid? That fixated? That ideological; that he pursues his “dream” despite the rationale of reality?

Apparently; Yes!


Friday, July 20, 2007


. . . ignored the co-equal part of government, the Congress, and just did what he wanted by “Executive Order?” What if Clinton spied on Americans without warrants and completely ignored the FISA Court? What if Clinton ordered torture and extreme “rendition?”

Imagine what the “family values,” conservative right, “moral majority” would respond to all of that! They would IMPEACH him!

Why are the President of the United States, the Vice-President of the United States and the Attorney General of the United States still in office? If roles were reversed and the Democrats had done what this president claims is his right as the “Unitary Executive,” you know the Republicans would be hollering at the top of their lungs, “Foul! Foul!”

I have been patient, waiting for the congress to plod through the seemingly endless rounds of subpoenas, investigations and committees. What I didn’t expect was for the president to simply declare himself above the law and completely ignore the processes well established by this country, our Constitution and the hard work of Congress. That surprised me. That scares me!

We are closer to a Fascist government than we have ever been before! This president, his vice president and the attorney general need to be removed. The only thing that protects them from the Constitutionally authorized process of getting it done are some stalwart Republicans that support their party above their country!

If you have followed the Congressional hearings into the attorney firings, you will observe things like witnesses saying they took an oath to their president. WHAT!?

When people are elected or appointed to an office to serve the people, they swear an oath to the CONSTITUTION! Not the president! They serve at the “pleasure of the president,” but they do not swear an oath to him. If you study history, you will find the last few times people swore an oath to an individual, their FUHRER, it was either to Hitler or Stalin! Did that come out well?

America, WAKE UP!!!! Pressure your representatives and senators to action! We have to take back our country!

That’s not only “As I See It”; It should be how we ALL see it!

Thursday, July 05, 2007


So says former National Security Advisor for Ronald Reagan, Gen. William Odom. His logic is perfect. I just hope the Congress of the United States is listening.

. . . but probably not.

I have talked to my congressman, written my senators and received explanations. I have listened to politician’s interviews on Air America by various talk show hosts and what I hear is this: “They are so busy with day to day business, they do not have time to keep up with the news media.”

What does Congress listen to? Do you realize how meaningful ‘what they listen to’ is? They listen to you! . . .IF you communicate with them. . . .

The principal of our government is representation. That means that many voices are represented by one; and for that voice to represent us, they must understand what we want. For our representatives to do their job, they have to hear from US! Contact your Congressman or Senator and tell them how you feel.

Tell them how you feel about . . .

Falsified information to go into Iraq,
Conflating the 9/11 attack with Iraq,
The outing of a CIA agent working on nuclear proliferation,
Suspension of habeas corpus,
The denial that habeas corpus is in the Constitution,
Being above the law,
Granting “no-bid” contracts to Halliburton,
The Energy Commission being private,
The Vice-President declaring he is not part of the Executive Branch,
The deaths in Iraq; of Iraqis and Americans.

Choose a topic and call your representative. Choose from the above or make your own issue. Just call!

If you really want to support our troops, you will do this simple thing!

That’s As I See it. . .

Saturday, June 30, 2007


At first, articulation seems to out weigh passion. Articulation seems like it should logically explain a point of view. Passion seems like someone who blurts out a view without consideration for the process. RETHINK YOUR VIEW!

What I’ve noticed about the discourse between Democrats and Republican supporters is the tone of their argument. Republicans are articulate and slow to explain their point of view. Democrats are passionate. Which has more believability?

To me, the answer is that whoever has the shortest argument is supporting the truth. The longer, slower argument is a masterful way of constructing the defense of the lie! It takes very few words to tell the truth. It takes many, many words to spin a lie. The truth is always passionate.

I am partisan when it comes to this issue because I listen to Republican Senators and Representatives spin their tales of logic. They are so determined to get the public to believe their twisted sense of justice and morality, they explain it slowly, letting each step of logic set in the listeners brain so the next step will sound more logical. In reality, they are twisting a person’s sense of justice to make the dishonest sound honest.

For example: Americans love their country. Americans support their country. The President is the leader on the country. Therefore, Americans support their president.

It SOUNDS logical, but in reality, some Americans support certain policies of presidents and some do not. The difference is in the policy and the individual’s beliefs. Don’t let them fool you into false logic. Trust your beliefs. So when they go down the false trail of logic that makes you feel like you SHOULD agree, Question that decision. Listen to your heart. Vote your conscience.

Notice that I have not suggested HOW you should vote; just that you should consider the logic of your vote.

That’s As I See It . . .

Thursday, June 14, 2007


This administration, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Roberto Gonzales and their direct subordinates that support and implement directions, are guilty of “High crimes and misdemeanors.” Their wire tapping, torture of detainees, and fabrication of evidence alone are enough to put them in jail. Of course, they want the public to believe that the important issues are to keep this country “safe” from terrorists. That is their left hand.

Watch the investigation into the attorney firings. THAT is the right hand. This administration has tried to make the Department of Justice an extension of the Republican Party. Because the House of Representatives was controlled by the Republicans for the first six years of Bush’s reign, Bush got a rubber stamp on all his wishes. Now that the Democrats have a slight majority and can do committee hearings, the facts are coming out.

Watch the investigations into this issue. Watch the White House claim “executive privilege” and attempt to block internal investigations by the Department of Justice. Just watch; and you will see an administration guilty of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

That's As I See It . . .

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I have come to bury him, . . . in reality and truth!

It is a simple reality about religious people. Some are sincere and some are in it just for the money. Which was Jerry Falwell?

I remember coming across the Jerry Falwell’s religious programs during the 70’s and 80’s. The big thing I remember was the way he asked for money. Jerry told people how it took faith for God to act. To express that faith, they should send him what ever they could send so that Jerry could “pray” for them. They should send in their “prayer wish” and explain what their need was. Then Jerry Falwell would pray for them and their need.

Of course, Jerry Falwell had proof that his prayers worked. Jerry Falwell produced witnesses that told their stories about how they sent in their “Prayer wish” and how they were rewarded. Jerry Falwell got a lot of “prayer wishes.”

I can imagine poor, needy, and yet gullible people; so desperate for help in their lives that they took their last few dollars and sent them in. I can imagine those who had abundance and yet sent some money in to Jerry Falwell with a hope that more abundance would come their way. I can imagine struggling families, with sick members, desperate for hope, sending in all they had; just so Jerry Falwell would say a prayer for them and God would help them.

Can you imagine this?

Was Jerry Falwell doing the work of the Lord? Or was Jerry Falwell doing the work of a con man preying on the weakness of true believers? How does sending money to Jerry Falwell equal faith? How does money equate to cure? Why do people in need believe that Jerry Falwell can help them through prayer, aside from the obvious that Jerry Falwell told them he could? How was Jerry Falwell feeding the sheep of Jesus? How was Jerry Falwell fulfilling the directive that Jesus gave to his disciples?

The twenty first chapter of John highlights some of the activities of Jesus after he was resurrected. After feeding the disciples on fish and bread for breakfast, Jesus asked some interesting questions of Simon Peter. Starting with verse 15; When, now, they had breakfasted, Jesus said to Simon Peter: “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him: “Yes, Lord, you know I have affection for you.” He (Jesus) said to him: “Feed my lambs.” 16 Again he said to him, a second time: “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He (Simon Peter) said to him: “Yes, Lord, you know I have affection for you.” He (Jesus) said to him: “Shepherd my little sheep.” 17 He (Jesus) said to him the third time: “Simon son of John, do you have affection for me?” Peter became grieved that he said to him the third time: “Do you have affection for me?” So he said to him: “Lord, you know all things; you are aware that I have affection for you.” Jesus said to him: “Feed my little sheep….”

Feeding the sheep was so important that Jesus emphasized it three times. Jesus never talked or asked about what the sheep would do in return! Jesus only emphasized “Feeding the sheep.” In fact, Jesus said that loving him would mean feeding the sheep. How was Jerry Falwell “feeding the little sheep”? Or was Jerry Falwell fleecing the “little sheep”?

That’s As I See It. . .

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


That may seem like a crazy question! But the reality is this: the Iraq government wants to take two months vacation this summer whether or not they have solved their problems. Since we are losing soldiers at the rate of one hundred per month, we would loose two hundred soldiers waiting while their government rests and relaxes.

If you were a soldier over there, would you like your prospects while their government is on vacation? If you’re a family member, are you going to worry? Of course you are. Family members worry the whole time their loved ones are over there. But it would be so meaningless to die while the government is on vacation!

Dick Cheney was over there recently. He supposedly talked to the Iraqi government and told them it would not be advantageous to do it. Dick then reported from the deck of an aircraft carrier that the Iraqi government listened. I just wish Dick had been right about anything in the past. Perhaps that would represent some hope for the future.

I think the reality about Dick Cheney’s visit was that he was there to offer a threat to Iran. He warned Iran to keep the water ways open! I have not heard anything about the water ways being blocked by Iran. There was that one skirmish between England and Iran. Iran captured the English soldiers and held them for a short time. Personally, I believe the English were in the right. But perhaps that was what Dick was warning Iran about.

Let me get back to the main point. We should be deploying our soldiers out of Iraq and limiting our engagements with the locals. While we deploy to other locations, we should only be defending ourselves and preparing to leave. The U.S. Army, Marines and the rest of the military have done their job. They removed Sadam from power and looked for WMD. It is time to get out.

Imagine soldiers coming to your door at all hours, kicking the door in, ransacking your house looking for three kidnapped soldiers of theirs. Would you like it? I see the video on TV of our troops doing exactly that to the Iraqis. Put yourself in their place. I wouldn’t like us either.

That’s As I See It . . .

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

"SUPPORT OUR TROOPS" is yet another buzz phrase for "SUPPORT OUR WAR"

I served in the U.S. Army during Vietnam from 1968 to 1971. When I returned from Okinawa where I had been stationed for 15 months, I had to travel in uniform. As I got off the plane in San Francisco, I was walking through the terminal and looking for the baggage claim area. I was tired and disoriented for, to me, it was the middle of the night.

A woman with child in tow caught my eye. As she approached, she looked straight into my eyes, leaning slightly as she herded her child along. It was evident to me she was trying to intercept me. The child was confused. As a result, the woman was partially dragging the poor girl. We got nearer and nearer.

I’m not sure, or at least, I don’t remember what went through my mind as she approached. Perhaps I was hoping to be greeted and welcomed. When the woman and child got within a few feet, the mother spoke these two words, "Baby Killer!"

I took perhaps two more steps as the words sunk in, then stopped, turned to watch her dragging her child away. The woman looked back and observed my reaction. Our eyes met and locked for an instant. She spat in my direction. I read such hatred and loathing in those eyes. Then a rush of emotions surged through me. Instantly, I understood all the things I had heard about the discontent back home and even though I had not killed anyone, for I was never in combat, I felt ashamed.

As soon as I could, I removed my uniform and put on civilian clothes.

Now, as a country, we are fighting another war. The street demonstrations are not like they were then. The protest against this war is civil, organized and takes to a new technology called the internet. Even as things change, they remain the same. War is killing, destruction and chaos. War is not the result of sane men talking through problems. War is an act of desperation, futility and in many cases, greed. War is profitable. This war in Iraq is a misdirection of what this country should have done; get Osama bin Laden!

The Vietnam War was to stop communism. The Iraq War is to stop terrorism. The real enemy during Vietnam was Communism and the North Vietnamese. The real enemy in Iraq is a tactic used by Islamic fundamentalists. Both were mistakes that the leader of this country refused to acknowledge.

Another significant difference between Vietnam and Iraq is the push to honor the soldiers. Magnetic ribbons on cars, posters, bumper stickers all proclaim the need to support our troops. To me, the people that failed to get the public’s support for the war in Vietnam learned a lesson. They learned that they must get public support in some way. And that way is to "support the troops." This administration, like the administration during Vietnam, keeps this war going because it is profitable. They do NOT THINK about the troops, although they say they do. They do NOT CARE about the troops, although they say they do. They use the troops to further their selfish goals of power and oil. Those who buy into the buzz phrases and talking points are not really supporting the troops. They are supporting the war. This administration has been successful in conflating the two.

With George’s veto of the supplemental bill, he is using the troops in a political battlefield. He is using the emotion they have been successful in building about the troops. He uses them to blackmail congress to give him what he wants. He believes public opinion will force the congress to give him the blank check he so desperately wants to continue his endless war.

There is legitimate emotion about the troops. Those who truly understand the horrors of war, the futility of endless service, the separation from loved ones and the impact to those who have seen what they have seen, want the troops to come home. They want to repay the troops for their service, ensure they receive proper medical and mental care and benefits when they come home. Walter Reed shows how this administration shows support.

Today, soldiers are welcomed home. Soldiers are greeted and showered with honors and parades. Before, they were insulted, spat on and disparaged. But the wars are the same. It is futile, wrong, wastes lives, gives wealth to the wealthy and power to the powerful.

We the people learned something from Vietnam, too. Do not misplace your anger. Direct it at the war mongers, not at the troops. Bring the troops home! That’s how you show support!

That’s as I see it. . .

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Republicans are screaming, “This is just a witch hunt!”

Interesting how they think that what is happening in the congress is a “witch hunt” when it is what the Constitution requires. It’s what’s called, Oversight! The Democrats are doing what the Constitution calls for, investigating the Executive branch to ensure it is operating in the best interest of the people.

The “Do Nothing” one hundred and ninth congress was a rubber stamp for Bush and his ego. It, controlled by a Republican majority, allowed Bush and his administration to do whatever it wanted. Not, just without objections, but with no oversight what so ever!

Do you know how many subpoenas have been issued against this administration? Five! And three of those were issued just yesterday. Now guess how many subpoenas were issued against the Clinton administration. Before you answer or take your guess. . .

Remember that the then Republican controlled congress wanted to investigate White Water, Travel Gate, Hillary’s investments, Bill’s sex-capades, and every thing they could possible exercise “oversight” on. They, the Republican controlled congress, finally got Bill Clinton on lying about sex in the White House. But how many subpoenas were issued? One Thousand and Fifty Two!

Kind of makes the Republicans yelling “witch hunt” a little silly, doesn’t it? This Congress is investigating egregious acts of hubris.

What is so interesting to me is the Hatch Act. Orrin Hatch, the senator from Utah, a good Republican deeply involved in the impeachment of Clinton, spear headed the Hatch Act. He was so concerned about the Clinton administration using government offices or government time to do campaigning. Hatch was convinced the Democrats and the administration was using their office and power to ask for campaign contributions, get out the vote efforts and furthering the interests of the Democratic Party. Thus the Hatch Act was conceived, passed by both houses of congress and signed by the president.

Can you guess which law the Republicans are probably guilty of breaking? Rove put together an Excel Program encouraging all government workers to perform their jobs in a way that will further the Republican efforts for elections. It was required viewing for all administration workers, not just in Washington, but all across the nation. It is a violation of the Hatch Act.

You gotta admit, this is not just justice, this is a metaphor for Karma!

Friday, April 06, 2007


I’m serious. Take some recent examples from just this year; The surge, Walter Reed and the eight US Attorneys that were fired.

The surge: After all the advice of the Iraq Study Group, the generals in the army and the politicians on both sides of the isle, Bush decides to listen to the minority opinion and surge the troops.

Walter Reed: The shinning example of Military Veterans care has revealed the absolute disrespect and the reality of how little they care for the troops. This reality is the exact opposite of what this administration wants the American public to believe.

US Attorneys fired: This administration and its vocal support group have tried to explain and spin away from the truth about the firings. The reality is that these (Republican) attorneys were fired for political reasons. These attorneys were either pursuing Republican politicians or NOT pursuing Democratic politicians. Bush and his administration are trying to use the justice department as a political tool to do their bidding. And now that they have been caught, they are spinning their lies as fast as they can to explain their actions away.

But these three recent examples are not the subject of my concern. The fact that some and one could even say, many people are still devoted to Bush and this administration. I got into a conversation with one such person. Aside from the trick of trying to jump from subject to subject every time he found himself without explanation, he would assassinate the character of the people I used as sources or reference to debate his reasoning.

That’s what it seems to be about. These devoted Bushies are soooo devoted and believe in their (There simply MUST be a word for him) so much, that they just can not accept reasoning, truth and logic that would change their minds. Instead, they twist the truth to make it something they want and they disparage any one who presents proof of Bush’s ineptness. They ignore the actions of their fellow worshipers and complain about the same actions of Democrats. Then they accuse Democrats of playing political games.

They go further. They form themselves into groups and incite each other to political orgasm talking up their beliefs. It is almost like a cult. I honestly do not understand their devotion and lock step loyalty to Bush and their cause. Somebody explain it, PLEASE!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

REAGAN WON THE COLD WAR and other lies!

IF YOU DON’T SUPPORT THE WAR IN IRAQ, YOU DON’T SUPPORT THE TROOPS! I am so TIRED of this lie! I don’t know about you, but I want the Democrats to DO something substantial that says, “WE DON’T SUPPORT THIS LUNATIC PRESIDENT AND HIS DECISIONS!” I am tired of hearing every statement about the Iraq War started with, “We support the troops.” Do Not Let the Republicans define us by making us defend our patriotism about troop support! Get a set! Address the real issues and stop defending your troop support! Stop the War!

YOU DON’T LOVE OUR COUNTRY! Just saying you’re more Patriotic than someone else is like saying you have a LARGE PENIS. Chances are, it’s not true. I’ve heard many a braggart. They all sound the same. They imply they have some special power while at the same time diminishing YOUR effort. Just watch this president do a “casual” interview and the way he stands with that “macho” image, arms out at the side, hips slightly thrust forward. He is trying to sell you an illusion of manhood, not a reality! Like when he landed on the aircraft carrier. His “Cod Piece” was very prevalent, but the reality is, he dodged service in Vietnam. His glassy eyed supporters are all the same. Instead of using body language, they are more skilled with words that imply a lack of patriotism if you don’t see things the way they do. Don’t fall for it. Learn to separate the truth from the Bull S. . .

TAX BREAKS WORK. . . Like a strangle hold on your throat! (Sorry about the double metaphor) The rich are getting VERY rich and the middle class is disappearing. That is because the Tax Breaks only allow for the rich to get richer. It shifts the tax burden to the middle class and the poor, while at the same time cutting government social programs like Social Security and aid to children. Look into it! Don’t just believe the FAUX NEWS channel! I believe in a progressive tax. And, YES, they will call it SOCIALISM! But don’t believe it. Social responsibility is not the same as socialism.

TREASONABLE DOUBT. . . When you “out” an undercover CAI agent, that’s treason! When you “out” that agent for political reasons, THAT’S treason! When you send your sacrificial lamb to the slaughter, like “Scooter Libby,” THAT’S POLITICS. There’s a difference. Learn it!

THE DEMOCRATS ARE IN CONTROL! THIS is the next great lie! The Republicans will want you to believe the Democrats own the Iraq War. They will do their best to shift that responsibility to us; the Democrats in Congress and the people. Don’t let them do it. Bush OWNS this war. The Neo-Cons own this war. For the first time in history, this country is seen as torturers and occupiers. We are so disrespected in the world, it will take a Democratic President to restore our image. Remember this when, years from now, the Republicans want to say they will restore “decency” to the White House!

Wouldn’t it be great if HILLARY CLINTON ran on the “Restore Decency To the White House” ticket? American Justice!

Monday, March 19, 2007


The Democrats have been "in power" for about two months. In the previous twelve years, the Republican controlled congress investigated Clinton mercilessly. Then when they got a Republican into office, investigations ceased. The congress became a blank check for anything the president wanted to do. Bush never even had to veto a bill until there was bi-partisan support for stem cell research.

To say that the Republican controlled congress was a "Do Nothing" congress is an understatement. To say they were in "Lock Step" doing the president’s bidding is also an understatement.

Now we have a congress that is by a small majority Democratic. Look how much "Check and Balance" has been done. Committees have been set up to ensure that taxpayer money has been properly spent. In the little over two months, there have been three major scandals exposing the Republican lack of oversight and corruption. All of this simply because the Democrats have been asking questions and looking into the way the things have been run.

We have Walter Reed Hospital. The Libby trial implicates Bush, Cheney and Rove in outing a CIA agent, an act of Treason. Federal attorneys fired because they would not follow the Bush political agenda.

AND IT’S JUST THE BEGINNING FOLKS! This is gonna be more fun than Watergate.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Many of us, and I am certainly one, are calling for the impeachment of George Bush, I believe there are many reasons to impeach this sitting president. Illegal eve’s dropping on American phone calls, authorizing the torture of captured "enemy combatants," ignoring the Constitution’s clear requirement for habeas corpus, outing a CIA agent under "non official cover" are just a few of the reasons.

So why do I think we must wait? Because I want George Bush removed from office, not just impeached. Impeachment is just a trial by the Senate. To remove George from office as the incompetent fool he is requires sixty votes. Democrats have a slim majority of fifty one to fourth nine members. If we do not proceed carefully, showing through investigations how George conspired with Cheney, Gonzales and the rest of his gang. If we do not show how they ignored the Constitution and grabbed power for themselves under the guise of protecting the American people, the vote in the Senate to impeach will go down strictly party lines and Bush will stay in office. I don’t want that.

The same thing happened to Clinton. The vote went down strictly party lines. In the case of Clinton, it was a witch hunt starting from when he first took office. They, the Republicans, spent millions of dollars investigating investment deals, affairs, and bank transactions. They finally got him on a technically and rushed to draft papers of impeachment. Fortunately, the Democrats had enough votes to prevent the sixty votes required. But there is a better example for impeachment; Richard Nixon.

I watched all those years ago while the Senate investigated the actions, conduct and cover up of Nixon and his gang. They spelled out such an obvious case that even the Republicans saw that he was guilty and were willing to impeach. Nixon was told he had to resign to avoid impeachment, so he resigned.

The effect of a slow, deliberate investigation made it plainly clear to the Americans and the Republicans alike that Nixon was guilty of several things, qualifying as "high crimes and misdemeanors" under the Constitution.

That is what we must do now. We MUST get the votes of the Republicans to join the votes of the Democrats so we can get this guy out of office. The only way to accomplish that is to make it very clear by uncovering the evidence. We must force the Republican senators to see the truth. And more importantly, we MUST make it clear to the Republican senators that the voters see the truth! Then the Republican senators have no choice. If they want to get reelected, they will have to vote to IMPEACH!

That’s As I see it. . .

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

VALUE VOTERS: Are they a Reality?

There’s a fundamental problem with labeling voters as “Values Voters.” What exactly does that mean? It implies (and there will be more on this later) that people or voters who do not agree with that particular philosophy do not have values. When you point that out to those who claim the “values voters” feel such-and-such a way, they respond with, “Well, we are not saying they don’t have values.” But they never complete the thought. They just deny.

I grew up in an area that had values. Those values also assumed everyone else also had the SAME values, whether they did or not. It was the way things were done and the way life was viewed. It was peer pressure, a statement that said, “If you are going to live here and have the people of this area as your friend, you MUST believe the same way we do!” THAT was the “values” they had.

One line statements that imply a particular assumption of fact are very illusive. Without even realizing it, a person reading or listening to a conversation can get caught up in the feeling and the assumptions rather that a factual look at the facts. Here are some examples:

“…Support our troops…” If you don’t agree with us, you don’t support our troops!

“Pro-Life …” If you don’t agree with us, you don’t value life!

“Flip flopper…” is a way to twist what you say to make you look foolish.

…and the more recent, “slow bleed”

…being bandied about in the right wing blogosphere. If you are a right-winger and normally read the right wing blogs, you have probably read that phrase. It originated from a right wing blogger and immediately got applied to the Liberal Democrats as though that was their strategy about the troop support. Do some home work! Look it up!

SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! If you don’t support the president’s “surge” idea, you don’t “support the troops.” This administration has sent troops into battle without proper armament, support and benefits. They have further cut the veterans benefits for wounded vets at the very time the war in Iraq was starting. This administration cut the combat pay and the isolation from the family pay for soldiers. At that same time they were spending billions, including billions of dollars that could not be accounted for, on private contractors. That’s the Republican way.

Pro-Life! Republicans and right wingers support the fetus but not the child! THEY will do whatever they can to ensure a woman has her baby. But when children need help, they cut the budget. THEY support the fetus but not the child.

Flip flopper! Take ANY politician and you can show how what they say can be used against them. George Bush is the biggest flip flopper. Here are some examples. “There’s an old saying in the old west, ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive’” George’s comment on what he was going to do about Osama Bin Laden. Later he said, “…I don’t know where he is. I just don’t give it a lot of thought.” Is that flip flopping?

John Kennedy said, “We must never negotiate out of fear. And we must never fear to negotiate.” George Bush is doing both with Iran and North Korea.

Another example of flip-flopping is John McCain. He says things that seem appropriate for the audience he addresses and then, with a different audience, he says the opposite. All the time condemning politicians that do such things. That’s some “values”!

Be aware, valued voter. When you hear phrases that make assumptions, question what those assumptions are! I am actually hopeful about the voting population. In the last election they showed they weren’t being fooled by the Republican administration. Not a single incumbent Democrat lost their office. Enough Republicans were voted out to swing both the House and the Senate for the Democrats. It gives the people a better choice in government. It also gives the Democrats the committee chairs. Republicans hate it.

Just when a voter might think that the Republicans got the message, Goergie Boy proposes a “Surge.” And the staunch right wing Republicans, blind to their duty as Americans and the obligation of listening to the American people, blindly support their “Leader” and his disastrous ways. Their ideology requires them to further their cause and ignore the common people, the masses. That is the Republican way.

My confidence is high that in the next election, We the People will take back our government. We will put into place a caring; serving administration that will heed the People. We will eliminate this present chaos and serving the desires of the wealthy.

What we have to fear is that Georgie is still in charge until January 2009. What will he do until then? The possibilities are all too real. George wants a war with Iran! Is that what you want? BEWARE the Republican in charge! BEWARE the one line phrases that assume values not explained. Keep thinking!

Value voters are a reality. It's just not the reality THEY want to have!

That’s As I see it. . .

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Neither of us knew the other was doing the same thing.

We grew up at about the same time, in different places and in different circumstance until we met. I still recall my first view of Mary. She was standing by her locker, selecting her books for the hours of high school ahead and turned to see who was being introduced as the new kid in school. I was interested at the very first glance. I have told her in those moments of doubt that every couple has, that we have a connection that lasts. Nothing is going to change that.

Still, I didn’t know she was doing the same thing I was. . .

I think I understand why. It’s because we lived through a very emotional time in our lives; the Vietnam War. She was a young woman watching a generation she was part of go off to war. Some of them didn’t come back. I was a draftee that found a way to look after myself by enlisting so that I had a choice where I could go. I ended up in Okinawa, working in electronics; missile sites and the like. It wasn’t fun.

We got together when I was home on leave. We eventually married and have had three wonderful (though challenging) boys who are all on their own now. Through all those years we rarely talked about the Vietnam era. It was something we lived through. It wasn’t pleasant. It was over. . . Only, it wasn’t. . .

I need to tell you about our usual evening routine. I get home about six from my job after a one-hour commute. She is making dinner and has it ready for us to dine together sometime between six thirty and seven. We discuss some things together, news of the day, interesting experiences; those sorts of things. But at seven o’clock, we watch the News Hour with Jim Lehrer on PBS. I think it’s the best available balanced news program in the media.

We watch the news of the day; finish our dinner and Mary starts putting the dishes away. If this sounds stereotypical, it is! She does not work outside the home and often describes herself as a “housewife.” I prefer “homemaker” but if you’re married to someone for thirty-five years, you know she is going to do and say what she wants.

My point is this. At the end of the News Hour program, they sometimes make an announcement about the deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. They explain that they announce the deaths as soon as the deaths are confirmed and pictures are available. Then they play the statistics in complete silence: A picture of the dead with accompanying information of rank, branch of service, age, and hometown.

That’s when it happens. I didn’t know she was doing it and she didn’t know I was doing it. We are both engrossed in reading the names and studying the pictures, we are oblivious of the other, and both of us in complete silence. I can’t tell you how long that went on until we realized it. We made some mutual recognition of each other’s face and demeanor. Then we went quite again and just studied the faces of the dead soldiers.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

How can one man be so stubborn AND wrong?!

Georgie Boy wants to escalate the troops in Iraq. This administration has tried escalation four times already. On each occasion, insurgency rose from 20% to 84%. Please remember that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. To be completely fair, this time, George wants the Iraqis to take the lead with our troops supporting them. That is slightly different from previous escalations, although also tried before and the Iraqis didn’t show up.

I’m not sure why George believes this will work when it hasn’t before, but that’s not the point of today’s dissertation. Today I want to focus on the argument the goose-stepping supporters are saying; that if you don’t support George, you don’t support the troops! Let’s examine that.

According to the Pentagon’s own report, the troops going to Iraq will not have proper weapons, proper armored vehicles, and even proper ammunition. They will be required to share existing vehicles already there. The up armoring problem was discovered in ’04 and still has not been resolved. The question comes immediately to mind, “How can a country that switched from a peace time economy to a war time economy to defeat the Nazis and the Japanese, NOT be able to provide the proper tools needed by the troops? And how dare this administration send them in without vital needs?” We’re not talking optional equipment. We are talking about NEEDED armor, weapons and ammunition. You can’t ask the enemy to wait while you run and get some ammunition! And how do you share a bullet? It can only be fired once!

The answer to my question is this. This country COULD dedicate itself to a war effort, IF it felt it was at war! But nothing has changed for the average American citizen. Except, of course, that we are worse off than we were six years ago. No one feels like we are at war. We make no sacrifices. We make no effort to produce enough war materials. We are told, instead, to go shopping. That was George’s advice for Americans.

Would you call any of this supporting the troops? And when Americans say this is enough! Bring our troops home, THEY are accused of not supporting our troops? The logic escapes me. Remember the definition of insanity? It is insane to send troops into battle without proper armor, ammunition and support! Condemning that choice is not Unsupportive, it is the epitome of SUPPORT!

And yet, we have Republicans arguing in the Congress today that condemning Georgie’s choice for escalation is NOT supporting the troops.

The second conflation the Republicans want to fool you with is that the war in Iraq is but a sample, the front, of the greater war on Islamic Fundamentalists Terrorism. This, too, is a lie! We can fight the fundamentalist terrorists with an effective method of policing. The British have already demonstrated that. ALL of the terror attacks uncovered in Britain have been done with policing procedures, not a standing army.

And yet, when John Kerry suggested this policing method in the presidential debates in 2005, Bush and the Republicans ridiculed him. Yet, all things have proven he was correct. George’s way; failure. John Kerry’s way, proven to work by Britain. When are we going to be realists and recognize the correct path? Get out of Iraq! Focus our efforts, money and young people on the greater threat through police action.

The question, my dear fellow Americans, is not about the troops. The question is how much longer are we going to allow this abuse of our troops by a madman? We can’t wait ‘til ’08. As much as that could be a bumper sticker, we must impeach Bush and Cheney and get the entire administration turned around.

“President Pelosi;” sounds pretty good to me!

That's As I see it. . .

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Could we all just TRY to get along?

Race is a sensitive, frustrating, volatile, and politically hot subject. It’s one most people try to avoid and also try to show how tolerant and accepting they are. I believe no one is truly tolerant or accepting until race is not an issue.

Two recent and ongoing events come to mind. Joe Biden’s comment about Barrack Obama and the Super Bowl.

Joe Biden: During an interview and when asked about Obama, (his competition in the upcoming 08 election), Joe Biden said, "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." I heard a replay of the interview and I felt Joe was choosing his words carefully, realizing that anything he said could and probably would be used and twisted. Joe labored over the words, articulating each one as a constructive and complementary adjective.

How did it get construed? As though Joe Biden made an ethnic slur. When I heard that I said to myself, "What? That’s not what he intended!" So the news report on PBS went onto say that African Americans consider the complementary word "articulate" as a racial slur because it is used in a way to imply they are acting "white like." I would never have known that if I hadn’t heard it on the TV.

I remember my days in the south as a youth and the popular phrase to show that one was not racist was, "some of my friends are black." It was said sincerely, to reflect that one did not choose the value of one’s character by the color of their skin. I understand that, but the way it was over used became a stereotype of white acceptance. I understand that, too. This thing about the word "articulate" is completely new to me. I suspect it was also unknown to Joe Biden.

When I heard Joe’s quote, I suspected the objection would be to the word "clean." But that turned out to be okay. My bad!

What did offend me was the notoriety given to the coaches of the two teams that made it to the Super Bowl, Chicago Bears and Indianapolis Colts. I watched during the entire playoffs and it never once occurred to me that the color of a coach’s skin was any kind of attribute OR hindrance. But when the two teams won and both coaches were "black" it was picked up on immediately.

My first and still prevalent thought was "Why should that be important?" But each coach was interviewed and both acquiesced to the recognition, saying something about it being historical and how they owed their success to other coaches who gave them an opportunity. I suppose those words are true enough. I just wish it wasn’t important!

I don’t think what Joe Biden said about Barrack Obama is important either. A candidate for the presidency running in the Democratic Party said something nice about an opponent running in the same party and for the same office. Race has nothing to do with it.

If you hear the opposing party (or the right leaning media) condemning Joe Biden, they will be making news and not reporting it. If you hear the conservative talk show circuit making a big deal about Joe Biden, that would make sense. What might fool some of the people most of the time is if the conservative talk show hosts say something nice about Joe or say that the incident is unimportant. THAT would be like saying "Some of friends are Liberals!" THAT would be VERY condescending.

That’s As I see it. . .

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Do we live in an America that one must "Love or Leave?" Do we live in an America where one can express thoughts, though not agreed with? And does not agreeing indicate that one does not love America?

I roam about on the blogs and invariably I read (mostly from the right) something like this, "If you feel that way then you are supporting the terrorists and you should pack up and leave this country!" Some may even be sarcastically nice about it with something like, "Would you kindly leave my country?"

What they are really saying is that if you don’t agree with them, you are wrong and don’t deserve to live or, at least, live in this country. Okay, they have the right to feel and say what they like. Why can’t they accept that I have a right to say something they don’t like and I am still an American and I still love my country?

They explain (and I realize I’m speaking for a group I can’t agree with) that there are qualifications for living in this country AND for loving this country. Those qualifications go something like this.

1) You must embrace the President and support his efforts.
2) If the President is a Democrat, you must ridicule him his party and everything they do, hound him the entire time he is in office, impeach him for lying about sex and defend a Republican for lying about everything.
3) You must Chant the Rant. There are several of these ranging from "Clinton is a murderer and an adulterer," "Flip Flopper" to "Carter caused inflation". Other rants will appear from time to time, especially during elections, and must be repeated with all your heart. A rant is never longer than a bumper sticker and always easy to learn.
4) Never try to verify history as told by us. Believe in what we say is true. Repeat it as often and as loud as necessary to drown out those who oppose you.
5) A "Values" voter is one who believes in God, believes in the power of Democracy to civilize the world, is pro-life, owns a gun and worships on Sundays.
6) We defend the Freedom of Speech, unless someone uses that freedom to express ideas we don’t like.
7) We defend the Freedom of the Press explicitly called for in the Constitution; unless we find it insulting, pornographic or unpleasant.
8) We defend the Freedom of Religion; unless that religion argues that there is more than one god, allows gays and or the teaching of evolution or science.
9) Anyone who does not agree with all of the above does not love this country.
10) Anyone who does not love this country is a leftist extremist and must leave.

I take some writer’s liberty to make the point, but the thought is essentially expressed. It gives one pause. Basically they are saying that an American is only an American if they are defined as only they define them. No one else should be allowed.

Tolerance is not high on their list of what is right. Of course they claim tolerance by saying they put up with "Liberals," (all the time using the word liberal as an expletive). Apparently, not killing people is also an example of tolerance. And this is all the while claiming to be Christians, a faith expressed by love of their fellow man. I don’t want this to be a discussion about religion. I just use that as an example of hypocrisy.

If "They" (the far right) are that hypocritical, imagine how their political views may be strongly radical. This swing towards radicalism has been going on for so long, that what is called "Moderate" today is still right of center politically. I give you Senator John McCain as an example. Another example is Senator Gordon Smith. Both claim to be moderates but have voted with Bush in perfect lock step loyalty.

There is one other thing the far right has been successful in doing. Making the press pull to the right. Apparently, their strategy of ridiculing and calling the main stream media the "Liberal Media" has had the effect they want. Most news stories are right leaning. Most talk programs are right leaning. Most of both barely offer any time to liberal ideas or reasons. When some news program does offer a truly fair and balanced view, like The News Hour with Jim Lehrer on PBS, the right feels the need to "correct" that leaning and pull them back to where they want the center to be. That center is right shifted.

This is a difficult time to be an American. With the pressure to be the type of American the right wants one to be, those who don’t follow suffer the verbal abuse I have outlined above. Liberal, progressive ideas are ridiculed and condemned. But here is the strange reality! When the public is presented with an idea and not told where the idea comes from, they will mostly choose the liberal, progressive ideas. That is how Social Security got protected. That is why most people feel the health care should be a right and not a privilege of the well off. Those are just two simple examples.

I am an American. I love my country. I have served my country. Look at the people today espousing radical right ideas and see how many have served. You may be surprised to find the loudest have not served at all.

The People see. The People understand and will only put up with so much. Then we will see who are the REAL Americans.

That’s, As I see it . . .

Monday, January 22, 2007

George Flip Flops AGAIN. . .

Remember when George Bush said he would preserve the environment by curbing CO2 emissions and then when it came time to do it, he flipped flopped? Remember when George promised to allow small companies to join together to get a better insurance program for employees and then didn’t do it? Twice; once in each election? Remember when George promised a "New Way Forward" by listening to advisers and taking in all the information about Iraq? Then fired generals who did not agree with him, ignored the Iraq commission and put a Navy Admiral in charge of land forces because the admiral did agree with him? Remember that George’s New Way Forward is just the same endless war but under a different name!

My point is that George seems determined to stay in Iraq no matter what the cost, no matter what the feelings of the country are and no matter how many smart people are telling him it is the wrong thing to do. George will continue with continuing because to George, staying the course is the only sign of strength.

George has no personal involvement in Iraq. If someone he cared about were there he might feel differently. But he has two partying daughters that won’t serve and several cousins, nieces and nephews, none of which are in the service. The only ones with a personal involvement with this war are the ones serving and their loved ones. This country may be at war but you would never know it by the way we conduct ourselves. Life goes on. In fact, George’s admonition to the people of the United States, "Go shopping."

I have said before that I think George is insane. He is not the type of insanity that would cause harm to himself. He just causes harm to others. He is a Sociopath. He is incapable of feeling, of empathy. George only thinks of George. And a person who feels that way is a coward!

We are not as close to Fascism today as we once were before the mid-term elections due to the American people seeing what was happening and showing up to express their dissatisfaction. That is fortunate. The unfortunate reality of now is that George wants to go to war with Iran and has people around him who feel the same way.

I will be watching the congress very closely to see how they deal with him. I hope you will, too.

That’s, As I see it. . .

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Dear One, I agree with your entire first paragraph. The business side, (big money), have manipulated the “Christian Right” into voting for them as the “Values Party.” But just look at their supposed “Values.” This has been a very corrupt Republican Party, using Christian Principals to appeal to voters. From Jack Abramoff to Terri Shiavo, they have demonstrated their hypocrisy. That’s what got them voted out and put the Democrats in control.

Your second paragraph causes us to depart philosophically. I am not claiming infallibility for Democrats, nor am I saying that ALL Democrats are pure and honest. Power can and does corrupt. That’s why we, the people, must watch our politicians and vote accordingly. However, your assertion that Democrats were responsible for the inflation of the 70’s is an old Republican rant I’ve heard for years. The reality is quite different. Nixon put in price controls and froze wages to prevent inflation. That’s how Republicans dealt with it. When Nixon resigned in disgrace and Ford took over, he left them in place. Quite a tactic for the party that supposedly believes in the free market, huh? When Carter got elected, (and, by the way, a Christian) he removed the wage and price controls to let the economy do a natural balancing out. The economy did just that and the Republicans have been saying disparaging things about Carter ever since. We still have the remnants of that inflationary spiral with credit card interests. Haven’t you ever wondered how they get away with 16 to 25% interest rates? Because they found out the public would pay it, that’s why. And here’s a little side bar I encourage you to research; when the last congress passed the bankruptcy bill, they let the credit card companies write much of the legislation, wouldn’t allow the Democrats to make amendments and didn’t allow enough time to read before the vote.

Your third point, about the Christians helping the poor, YES, I see it all the time. They truly do have empathy and act in small groups like that all the time. But let me point to Katrina. Where were the big “Christian” organizations then? There were a lot of individual Christians and church groups that helped, but where were the big name groups that Bush gives taxpayer money to? Check the history. They weren’t there.

Finally, Empathy. If money means more to a person than feelings for their fellow man, then I consider that as having no empathy. Money is not the root of all evil. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. When a person or party puts the value of the dollar above the value of life, the right of privacy or the freedoms of the individual; that shows a lack of empathy, even if that person is a Democrat! I’m just saying that tendency rests more with Republicans than with Democrats.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

“How will we influence each other’s thinking?”

I had a conversation recently with someone who is dear to me. The conversation was about politics. He suggested that family members shouldn’t discuss politics or religion. I disagreed and said that as long as people are civil, it absolutely should be discussed because how else would we influence each other’s thinking?

During a conversation, sometimes things are said that weren’t intended; or, are phrased so brilliantly, they should be written down. Such a thing happened in our conversation, something brilliant, I mean. It was said that the main difference between a Democrat/Liberal/Progressive and a Republican/Conservative/Libertarian is one of empathy.

A person with empathy can “feel” another’s pain, discomfort or need. A person without empathy feels only his or her own need and desires. A person with empathy is a Democrat/Liberal/Progressive; a person with none, a Republican/Conservative/ Libertarian. [(My apologies to Libertarians who do not align themselves with Republicans) and there are many of you]

There are, of course, levels of empathy. Some can feel a little empathy while others feel a great deal. Does this level of empathy make one lean a certain way politically? Perhaps. But I believe a person without the ability to have empathy and to think only of themselves, relegates one to being a conservative. I make that statement because of their stated philosophy.

If you Google Republican Philosophy and then Google Democratic Philosophy, you will find countless sites defining in grandiose terms the Republican ideas of free enterprise, business without government interference, and the right for the individual to make a living for themselves. I didn’t find a single site defining the Democratic Philosophy. Does this mean they don’t have one? Hardly.

I think it means the Republicans/Conservatives/Libertarians are very vocal about their beliefs and very militant about protecting them. They state their philosophy in grand written terms. My problem is what they DO in practice. They attempt to take advantage of the uninformed, underprivileged, or needy. If there is a way to make money from someone’s misery, they will find it. One recent example that comes to mind is the instant loan companies. Republicans representatives actually defend the right of that type of business to exist. In reality, those companies get up to 500% return on loans. Sixty Minutes recently did an expose on it. One example they gave was a military Sergeant that borrowed approximately $250 and had to pay back almost $1500 in payments. Do you see anything wrong with that? Republicans don’t.

If you see something wrong with that but are a Republican, maybe you are in the wrong party and for a wrong reason. If you see something wrong with that, you have empathy. You belong in the Democratic Party!

When you feel someone’s pain, discomfort, struggle, or need, you are part of a community. Civilization takes a community that supports each other, not people who prey on each other.

The right to make money or establish a business is not exclusive, giving one the right to act unethically, selfishly or greedily. The right to live in a community and be part of a community requires us to care about each other and assist each other. Does that mean you can’t make money from loaning money? No, it means the loan needs to have a reasonable interest. That’s where government regulations come in.

Republicans HATE government regulations. They imply it in their philosophy.

Democrats WORK to help their community. They prove it by what they do.

Which do believe in? The right to prey on your fellow human being? Or the obligation to help?

That’s as I see it. . . What about you?