Tuesday, October 16, 2007


There are so many things happening in the news today and over the last three months that I wonder if Americans are watching and, more importantly, listening. Republicans (which may be an unfair way of describing ALL the people in the administration) are trying desperately to do several things: make the Democrats look bad or stupid, make the Iraq OCCUPATION look successful and make the Congress look ineffective.

First: The Democratic Party is the official name of the Democrats. So when you hear any Republican or the president refer to the “democrat party,” they are being purposely disrespectful. No matter how much you (both the individual and group “you”) disagree with someone or a group’s opinion, showing enough respect to address them by their proper name is considered proper decorum. Republicans are being deliberately disrespectful. If you ask why, it is because their opinion poll revealed that the term democrat polled as less positive than Democratic.

Second: The Iraq occupation is referred to as the “Iraq War” solely for the purpose of gaining (or appealing to) patriotic feelings that we, the nation, are at war! The reality is that the war was over when “Mission Accomplished” was declared. We, the Americans, as represented by the American military, had vanquished Iraq. The obvious next step was to find the “weapons of mass destruction” that we could never find; and still have not found.

Third; Republicans are obstructionists! Remember when they accused Democrats of being obstructionists? And all because the Democrats didn’t want to allow the blanket acceptance of right wing judges? What did the Republicans do then? They threatened the “Nuclear Option” of removing the rule allowing filibusters from the senate rules. Have you heard the Democrats propose anything like that? Of course not! The Republicans are truly obstructing governing by majority by not allowing the Democrats to complete motions and laws that would put an end to this “Dictatorship” of Bush!

Are you listening America? Are you watching your rights slip away? Are you listening to the spin of Republican rhetoric and realizing how much they are lying to you, subverting our government “by the people” and turning it into a Fascists State of Corporatists?

If you don’t wake up soon; get involved soon; speak out soon; we will loose this country!