And again, the Democrats fall into the trap!
Republicans have once again tricked the Democrats into doing the dirty work of the Conservative Economic Philosophy, (hereafter called the CEP). It is the CEP that created the economic disaster we face today; major financial companies, the big three car companies, and, of course, Wall Street.
Notice that the CEP didn’t consult with the nation or the Congress about whether to “Bail Out” Wall Street. They just did it. Want to complain? Write you Congressman? Vote them out? Too late! It’s DONE.
Want to help the big three auto companies? Refer that to Congress. Let the Democrats take up the cause of all the potential unemployment, the economic disaster of putting two million people out of work and the cascade effect to confidence and trust in the government to run this country!
It doesn’t matter that the people have spoken, dissatisfied with the Republican Administration and economic philosophy, and elected to replace this corrupt and ethically challenged system! It only matters that the Republicans can now say. . . ! ! !
“The Democrats did it! They wanted the Auto Bail Out! They wanted the deficit spending! They are responsible!”
Remember that in four years when their way of doing politics rears its ugly head and starts blaming this country’s woes on the Democrats. They will. My fear is that some, stupid inattentive ones, will listen and be persuaded.
The Democrats have done it again! Walked into the political trap of wanting to help We-the-People and save our country.
Is there something wrong with this picture?
That’s As I see it. . .
Monday, December 08, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
The most significant FIRST in this Presidential election, for me. . .
Pundits have talked about the first “Black” President elected. That is not so significant to me. I’ve worked with, been hired by, hired and fired black people, white people, Asian people and many other people of differing . . . something, all without thought of race or gender. Race, color and gender are not significant to me. It is the quality of a person’s character and their work ethic that matter most.
I voted for Obama, not because he is “Black.” I voted for him not just because he is a Democrat, although I have voted that way in the past and it was an important factor in my vote in this election. At times, my vote has been cast “against” something as much as it was cast “for” something. But that wasn’t the significant thing in this election.
It is easy to be against the Bush philosophy and the Karl Rovian tactics. The fact that Obama didn’t use those kinds of tactics is not why I voted for him and it is not the most significant part of this election.
Political “Dirty Tricks” by Republicans have been around for my entire voting career. My first vote was cast “against” Richard Nixon. They didn’t call him “Tricky Dickey” for nothing. Remember Water Gate! Don’t forget the Iran Contra Hearing, which revealed that the Reagan Administration was paying the Iranians to hold our hostages until he won the election in ’80. And the Willie Horton ads George H. W. Bush ran in 1988 got my candidate, Dukakis, defeated. Yeah, those were dirty tricks! But that wasn’t the most significant thing about this election and this President elect.
The world’s reaction to the President elect is completely understandable, given the flagrant disregard the Bush Administration has given to other countries sovereignty. The Bush Doctrine of Pre-emptive War doesn’t exactly instill the other nations to rush to our side. Still, that was not the most significant part of this President elect.
I worked hard for Obama’s election. I contributed money to the campaign and Democrats in tight races and came through when asked to contribute. I called, emailed and talked to people about the issues (many of them total strangers), trying to convince them (and was successful in some cases) to vote for Obama! I have yard signs, probably to my neighbors chagrin. But I had done all that before in the Kerry Campaign. So that wasn’t all that significant.
No, none of those things were the most significant to me. The most significant bit of reality to me: This is the first President that will be younger than I am!
How’s that for reality? That’s As I See It. . .
Pundits have talked about the first “Black” President elected. That is not so significant to me. I’ve worked with, been hired by, hired and fired black people, white people, Asian people and many other people of differing . . . something, all without thought of race or gender. Race, color and gender are not significant to me. It is the quality of a person’s character and their work ethic that matter most.
I voted for Obama, not because he is “Black.” I voted for him not just because he is a Democrat, although I have voted that way in the past and it was an important factor in my vote in this election. At times, my vote has been cast “against” something as much as it was cast “for” something. But that wasn’t the significant thing in this election.
It is easy to be against the Bush philosophy and the Karl Rovian tactics. The fact that Obama didn’t use those kinds of tactics is not why I voted for him and it is not the most significant part of this election.
Political “Dirty Tricks” by Republicans have been around for my entire voting career. My first vote was cast “against” Richard Nixon. They didn’t call him “Tricky Dickey” for nothing. Remember Water Gate! Don’t forget the Iran Contra Hearing, which revealed that the Reagan Administration was paying the Iranians to hold our hostages until he won the election in ’80. And the Willie Horton ads George H. W. Bush ran in 1988 got my candidate, Dukakis, defeated. Yeah, those were dirty tricks! But that wasn’t the most significant thing about this election and this President elect.
The world’s reaction to the President elect is completely understandable, given the flagrant disregard the Bush Administration has given to other countries sovereignty. The Bush Doctrine of Pre-emptive War doesn’t exactly instill the other nations to rush to our side. Still, that was not the most significant part of this President elect.
I worked hard for Obama’s election. I contributed money to the campaign and Democrats in tight races and came through when asked to contribute. I called, emailed and talked to people about the issues (many of them total strangers), trying to convince them (and was successful in some cases) to vote for Obama! I have yard signs, probably to my neighbors chagrin. But I had done all that before in the Kerry Campaign. So that wasn’t all that significant.
No, none of those things were the most significant to me. The most significant bit of reality to me: This is the first President that will be younger than I am!
How’s that for reality? That’s As I See It. . .
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Gay Marriage Vs. Civil Union
I wanted to get married at the courthouse and my wife wanted to get married in a church. Guess who won? She did. I was unsure about most religions having observed a great deal of hypocrisy and she was dedicated to the idea of a church wedding. The end result was a church wedding with the majority of guests sitting on “her side” of the isle.
My personal experience isn’t that relevant but in the interest of full disclosure, I explain it. You see, I agree with the “Christian Right” that “marriage” is generally accepted as a Bible based ceremony and belongs in a church. But since in this country we have a practicing separation of church and state, we the people have laws that allow for church ceremonies to be accepted as state ceremonies by sanction of the state. A “Preacher” must have state authority to perform the ceremony and that’s what makes it legal. Look at your marriage "license" to view it for your state.
What if I had had my way and we married at the courthouse? We would still be “married” (a derivative of the word Marriage) and we would still be “legal.” The difference? Both are state sanctioned but only one is church sanctioned.
Here’s what I propose; Let the churches keep their ceremony of marriage and let the state perform “civil ceremonies” at courthouses and let them both be legal! The difference would be a true separation of church and state, but both satisfy the requirements of the state. The technical difference is that a church “wedding” would be “marriage” and a courthouse “wedding” would be a “civil union.”
Churches that deny homosexual marriage do not have to allow them. The state, which does not allow discrimination based on race, gender, national origin, sexual preference, (or any others I may have overlooked), would not call it a “Marriage.” Thus, one is a civil union while the other is a marriage. Both are equal under the state law.
Problem solved, solution applied and let’s get on with serious problems. . .What was that? You say, “What about religious gays that want to marry in a church?”
That’s between you and the church! Don’t get the state involved. It doesn’t belong there!
That’s As I see it. . .
I wanted to get married at the courthouse and my wife wanted to get married in a church. Guess who won? She did. I was unsure about most religions having observed a great deal of hypocrisy and she was dedicated to the idea of a church wedding. The end result was a church wedding with the majority of guests sitting on “her side” of the isle.
My personal experience isn’t that relevant but in the interest of full disclosure, I explain it. You see, I agree with the “Christian Right” that “marriage” is generally accepted as a Bible based ceremony and belongs in a church. But since in this country we have a practicing separation of church and state, we the people have laws that allow for church ceremonies to be accepted as state ceremonies by sanction of the state. A “Preacher” must have state authority to perform the ceremony and that’s what makes it legal. Look at your marriage "license" to view it for your state.
What if I had had my way and we married at the courthouse? We would still be “married” (a derivative of the word Marriage) and we would still be “legal.” The difference? Both are state sanctioned but only one is church sanctioned.
Here’s what I propose; Let the churches keep their ceremony of marriage and let the state perform “civil ceremonies” at courthouses and let them both be legal! The difference would be a true separation of church and state, but both satisfy the requirements of the state. The technical difference is that a church “wedding” would be “marriage” and a courthouse “wedding” would be a “civil union.”
Churches that deny homosexual marriage do not have to allow them. The state, which does not allow discrimination based on race, gender, national origin, sexual preference, (or any others I may have overlooked), would not call it a “Marriage.” Thus, one is a civil union while the other is a marriage. Both are equal under the state law.
Problem solved, solution applied and let’s get on with serious problems. . .What was that? You say, “What about religious gays that want to marry in a church?”
That’s between you and the church! Don’t get the state involved. It doesn’t belong there!
That’s As I see it. . .
I recently sent the following to friends and relatives. It created quite a stir among non-Barack supporters. So I thought I would share it with as many people as I could. Sorry I've been gone for awhile.
I want to change the world.
So I ask myself, “How do I do that?” I want the world to be peaceful. I want the world to be tolerant of each other. I want the world to empathize. “How do I do that?”
Well, if I had the power, I could make the world leaders meet and agree on a plan to get along. Make them compromise on issues that everyone can live with. And I don’t mean to just “tolerate” but to really live! Get along!
But I don’t have that power. I barely control the world I live in with bills and obligations. I don’t hear from my children as often as I would like. Taxes on my house keep going up. They haven’t fixed the street I live on in a long time. How can I change the world?
I listened to the promises of the presidential candidates. I’m no fool. I know that neither of them can do everything they want. But I did hear the same kind of desire I have, “I want to change the world.”
I’ve lived long enough to know that this election, in my country, can have the biggest impact on the future more than any election I have ever voted in before. Why? It will decide if “we the people” want to keep giving our power to the wealthy or take back our country. We can only do that if we put in power people who will listen to us, the people, and not to the wealthy.
We have lived in a great experiment since 1980. The promise of wealth will trickle down to all if we just let the wealthy have their way. Well, they have had their way. And now we find that “we the people” have to come to their aid and “bail them out.” I guess that promise didn’t work out so well.
It’s time to take another approach. Let the people rule! Tax the wealthy! Give the revenues to the state and let the state pay for the debt, the streets, the sick, the poor, the destitute and maybe even fix my street.
We, the people, cannot continue to pay the greatest share of taxes and let the wealthy take the greatest share of profits and wealth. We just can’t let it continue!
I’m voting for Democracy! I’m voting for Barack Obama! I hope you do too.
Tax Payer
60 Year old soon-to-retire fed up with the status quo of rich getting richer and we the people inheriting deeper debt.
I want to change the world.
So I ask myself, “How do I do that?” I want the world to be peaceful. I want the world to be tolerant of each other. I want the world to empathize. “How do I do that?”
Well, if I had the power, I could make the world leaders meet and agree on a plan to get along. Make them compromise on issues that everyone can live with. And I don’t mean to just “tolerate” but to really live! Get along!
But I don’t have that power. I barely control the world I live in with bills and obligations. I don’t hear from my children as often as I would like. Taxes on my house keep going up. They haven’t fixed the street I live on in a long time. How can I change the world?
I listened to the promises of the presidential candidates. I’m no fool. I know that neither of them can do everything they want. But I did hear the same kind of desire I have, “I want to change the world.”
I’ve lived long enough to know that this election, in my country, can have the biggest impact on the future more than any election I have ever voted in before. Why? It will decide if “we the people” want to keep giving our power to the wealthy or take back our country. We can only do that if we put in power people who will listen to us, the people, and not to the wealthy.
We have lived in a great experiment since 1980. The promise of wealth will trickle down to all if we just let the wealthy have their way. Well, they have had their way. And now we find that “we the people” have to come to their aid and “bail them out.” I guess that promise didn’t work out so well.
It’s time to take another approach. Let the people rule! Tax the wealthy! Give the revenues to the state and let the state pay for the debt, the streets, the sick, the poor, the destitute and maybe even fix my street.
We, the people, cannot continue to pay the greatest share of taxes and let the wealthy take the greatest share of profits and wealth. We just can’t let it continue!
I’m voting for Democracy! I’m voting for Barack Obama! I hope you do too.
Tax Payer
60 Year old soon-to-retire fed up with the status quo of rich getting richer and we the people inheriting deeper debt.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
I believe we are at a defining moment of choice in America. We, the voters, the people, must decide if we want a Me or We Society. I believe that is the simplest way to describe the choice before us.
We the People can decide to be a Me Society by voting and putting into office the conservative philosophy of big business and every man for himself. Or we can vote in Progressives who believe that a successful society works together, a We Society. Progressives believe that government works best when it works for all the people and regulates corporations for the benefit of its workers, stock owners and the consuming public.
Look what conservatives have brought to this country in the last seven years; deregulation that allows contaminated food, toothpaste, toys and a devaluation of the dollar; jobs being exported at an alarming rate; a doubling of the National Debt and tax breaks for the top 1%.
Choose the conservative way and there will be more of that. Choose the progressive way and it will start to turn around. It will take time to undo the damage done but it will start and gradually a strong middle class will establish itself again.
I am encouraged by the strong turn out of voters in the Democratic primaries. So far they have almost doubled the Republican turn out. It is a sign that Americans, the People, have had enough of “Rich man rule.”
My concern now is for the future, both immediate and long term. We must reverse the deficit spending, end the Occupation of Iraq, raise taxes on the rich, give the poor and middle class a tax break and pass legislation that reestablishes regulations on corporations.
But that will be only a start. We the People must keep watch so these Me Philosophy, power hungry, war-mongering conservatives don’t assert control some time in the future. There is a tendency for the People to become lax and loose attention, eventually allowing the conservative shallow promise of “tax breaks” to cloud their minds.
How will you vote? Me or We.
I believe we are at a defining moment of choice in America. We, the voters, the people, must decide if we want a Me or We Society. I believe that is the simplest way to describe the choice before us.
We the People can decide to be a Me Society by voting and putting into office the conservative philosophy of big business and every man for himself. Or we can vote in Progressives who believe that a successful society works together, a We Society. Progressives believe that government works best when it works for all the people and regulates corporations for the benefit of its workers, stock owners and the consuming public.
Look what conservatives have brought to this country in the last seven years; deregulation that allows contaminated food, toothpaste, toys and a devaluation of the dollar; jobs being exported at an alarming rate; a doubling of the National Debt and tax breaks for the top 1%.
Choose the conservative way and there will be more of that. Choose the progressive way and it will start to turn around. It will take time to undo the damage done but it will start and gradually a strong middle class will establish itself again.
I am encouraged by the strong turn out of voters in the Democratic primaries. So far they have almost doubled the Republican turn out. It is a sign that Americans, the People, have had enough of “Rich man rule.”
My concern now is for the future, both immediate and long term. We must reverse the deficit spending, end the Occupation of Iraq, raise taxes on the rich, give the poor and middle class a tax break and pass legislation that reestablishes regulations on corporations.
But that will be only a start. We the People must keep watch so these Me Philosophy, power hungry, war-mongering conservatives don’t assert control some time in the future. There is a tendency for the People to become lax and loose attention, eventually allowing the conservative shallow promise of “tax breaks” to cloud their minds.
How will you vote? Me or We.
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