Thursday, May 17, 2007


I have come to bury him, . . . in reality and truth!

It is a simple reality about religious people. Some are sincere and some are in it just for the money. Which was Jerry Falwell?

I remember coming across the Jerry Falwell’s religious programs during the 70’s and 80’s. The big thing I remember was the way he asked for money. Jerry told people how it took faith for God to act. To express that faith, they should send him what ever they could send so that Jerry could “pray” for them. They should send in their “prayer wish” and explain what their need was. Then Jerry Falwell would pray for them and their need.

Of course, Jerry Falwell had proof that his prayers worked. Jerry Falwell produced witnesses that told their stories about how they sent in their “Prayer wish” and how they were rewarded. Jerry Falwell got a lot of “prayer wishes.”

I can imagine poor, needy, and yet gullible people; so desperate for help in their lives that they took their last few dollars and sent them in. I can imagine those who had abundance and yet sent some money in to Jerry Falwell with a hope that more abundance would come their way. I can imagine struggling families, with sick members, desperate for hope, sending in all they had; just so Jerry Falwell would say a prayer for them and God would help them.

Can you imagine this?

Was Jerry Falwell doing the work of the Lord? Or was Jerry Falwell doing the work of a con man preying on the weakness of true believers? How does sending money to Jerry Falwell equal faith? How does money equate to cure? Why do people in need believe that Jerry Falwell can help them through prayer, aside from the obvious that Jerry Falwell told them he could? How was Jerry Falwell feeding the sheep of Jesus? How was Jerry Falwell fulfilling the directive that Jesus gave to his disciples?

The twenty first chapter of John highlights some of the activities of Jesus after he was resurrected. After feeding the disciples on fish and bread for breakfast, Jesus asked some interesting questions of Simon Peter. Starting with verse 15; When, now, they had breakfasted, Jesus said to Simon Peter: “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him: “Yes, Lord, you know I have affection for you.” He (Jesus) said to him: “Feed my lambs.” 16 Again he said to him, a second time: “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He (Simon Peter) said to him: “Yes, Lord, you know I have affection for you.” He (Jesus) said to him: “Shepherd my little sheep.” 17 He (Jesus) said to him the third time: “Simon son of John, do you have affection for me?” Peter became grieved that he said to him the third time: “Do you have affection for me?” So he said to him: “Lord, you know all things; you are aware that I have affection for you.” Jesus said to him: “Feed my little sheep….”

Feeding the sheep was so important that Jesus emphasized it three times. Jesus never talked or asked about what the sheep would do in return! Jesus only emphasized “Feeding the sheep.” In fact, Jesus said that loving him would mean feeding the sheep. How was Jerry Falwell “feeding the little sheep”? Or was Jerry Falwell fleecing the “little sheep”?

That’s As I See It. . .

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


That may seem like a crazy question! But the reality is this: the Iraq government wants to take two months vacation this summer whether or not they have solved their problems. Since we are losing soldiers at the rate of one hundred per month, we would loose two hundred soldiers waiting while their government rests and relaxes.

If you were a soldier over there, would you like your prospects while their government is on vacation? If you’re a family member, are you going to worry? Of course you are. Family members worry the whole time their loved ones are over there. But it would be so meaningless to die while the government is on vacation!

Dick Cheney was over there recently. He supposedly talked to the Iraqi government and told them it would not be advantageous to do it. Dick then reported from the deck of an aircraft carrier that the Iraqi government listened. I just wish Dick had been right about anything in the past. Perhaps that would represent some hope for the future.

I think the reality about Dick Cheney’s visit was that he was there to offer a threat to Iran. He warned Iran to keep the water ways open! I have not heard anything about the water ways being blocked by Iran. There was that one skirmish between England and Iran. Iran captured the English soldiers and held them for a short time. Personally, I believe the English were in the right. But perhaps that was what Dick was warning Iran about.

Let me get back to the main point. We should be deploying our soldiers out of Iraq and limiting our engagements with the locals. While we deploy to other locations, we should only be defending ourselves and preparing to leave. The U.S. Army, Marines and the rest of the military have done their job. They removed Sadam from power and looked for WMD. It is time to get out.

Imagine soldiers coming to your door at all hours, kicking the door in, ransacking your house looking for three kidnapped soldiers of theirs. Would you like it? I see the video on TV of our troops doing exactly that to the Iraqis. Put yourself in their place. I wouldn’t like us either.

That’s As I See It . . .

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

"SUPPORT OUR TROOPS" is yet another buzz phrase for "SUPPORT OUR WAR"

I served in the U.S. Army during Vietnam from 1968 to 1971. When I returned from Okinawa where I had been stationed for 15 months, I had to travel in uniform. As I got off the plane in San Francisco, I was walking through the terminal and looking for the baggage claim area. I was tired and disoriented for, to me, it was the middle of the night.

A woman with child in tow caught my eye. As she approached, she looked straight into my eyes, leaning slightly as she herded her child along. It was evident to me she was trying to intercept me. The child was confused. As a result, the woman was partially dragging the poor girl. We got nearer and nearer.

I’m not sure, or at least, I don’t remember what went through my mind as she approached. Perhaps I was hoping to be greeted and welcomed. When the woman and child got within a few feet, the mother spoke these two words, "Baby Killer!"

I took perhaps two more steps as the words sunk in, then stopped, turned to watch her dragging her child away. The woman looked back and observed my reaction. Our eyes met and locked for an instant. She spat in my direction. I read such hatred and loathing in those eyes. Then a rush of emotions surged through me. Instantly, I understood all the things I had heard about the discontent back home and even though I had not killed anyone, for I was never in combat, I felt ashamed.

As soon as I could, I removed my uniform and put on civilian clothes.

Now, as a country, we are fighting another war. The street demonstrations are not like they were then. The protest against this war is civil, organized and takes to a new technology called the internet. Even as things change, they remain the same. War is killing, destruction and chaos. War is not the result of sane men talking through problems. War is an act of desperation, futility and in many cases, greed. War is profitable. This war in Iraq is a misdirection of what this country should have done; get Osama bin Laden!

The Vietnam War was to stop communism. The Iraq War is to stop terrorism. The real enemy during Vietnam was Communism and the North Vietnamese. The real enemy in Iraq is a tactic used by Islamic fundamentalists. Both were mistakes that the leader of this country refused to acknowledge.

Another significant difference between Vietnam and Iraq is the push to honor the soldiers. Magnetic ribbons on cars, posters, bumper stickers all proclaim the need to support our troops. To me, the people that failed to get the public’s support for the war in Vietnam learned a lesson. They learned that they must get public support in some way. And that way is to "support the troops." This administration, like the administration during Vietnam, keeps this war going because it is profitable. They do NOT THINK about the troops, although they say they do. They do NOT CARE about the troops, although they say they do. They use the troops to further their selfish goals of power and oil. Those who buy into the buzz phrases and talking points are not really supporting the troops. They are supporting the war. This administration has been successful in conflating the two.

With George’s veto of the supplemental bill, he is using the troops in a political battlefield. He is using the emotion they have been successful in building about the troops. He uses them to blackmail congress to give him what he wants. He believes public opinion will force the congress to give him the blank check he so desperately wants to continue his endless war.

There is legitimate emotion about the troops. Those who truly understand the horrors of war, the futility of endless service, the separation from loved ones and the impact to those who have seen what they have seen, want the troops to come home. They want to repay the troops for their service, ensure they receive proper medical and mental care and benefits when they come home. Walter Reed shows how this administration shows support.

Today, soldiers are welcomed home. Soldiers are greeted and showered with honors and parades. Before, they were insulted, spat on and disparaged. But the wars are the same. It is futile, wrong, wastes lives, gives wealth to the wealthy and power to the powerful.

We the people learned something from Vietnam, too. Do not misplace your anger. Direct it at the war mongers, not at the troops. Bring the troops home! That’s how you show support!

That’s as I see it. . .