Saturday, August 04, 2007


Bush is a bully. He’s a bully on the people’s “playground” of congress. Bush has ignored the Constitution he swore to uphold. Bush considers himself above the law. He has dedicated followers, Cheney, Gonzales, Harriet Meyers, and a great many young, dedicated, (however delusional), interns, a few generals and a great many fellow neo-cons. Bush threatens and gets his way because no one is willing to stand up to him and endure the criticism of the Republican “Spin Machine.” Many representatives talk a tough line, but when called upon to stand up, make excuses and give in. We, the people, have had enough!

We are an orderly people. We are a nation ruled by laws, not kings. We ARE the government. As Lincoln said, “…a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” When our representatives stray from the course we want, we must act. We the people, will elect a whole new set of representatives who will do our bidding. We, the people, will not allow a sect of idealistic power to rule us!

Act now! IMPEACH BUSH AND CHENEY! Or we will surely replace all of you!

It takes only one to stand up and start because a bully cowers in fear when challenged. Bush has yet to be seriously challenged. If any one of you, the congress, will stand up despite the political incriminations from the right wing spin meisters, begin the investigations for impeachment and let the truth come out, We, the people, will be served!

The truth is: bush has spied on Americans without judicial oversight and admitted it, misled the American people into pre-emptive war against a country that did no harm to us, destroying the middle class with tax breaks for the rich, and has taken over the judiciary system.

When one person stands, suddenly many others have the courage to stand with them. Then the bully looses his courage, his friends and his power.

Congressman or Congresswoman, you could be the one to stand up! Start impeachment hearings. Impeach Bush and Cheney! These people have done so much damage and harm to our country, our Constitution and our image in the world. If you can’t be the one, be one of those who stand together.

Speak truth to power!