Earmarks; Good for Americans or Good for Congress?
The following is a direct quote from a close personal friend and conservative. "I think I'll pass on the political comment for now, except to say that instead of fighting for single-issue bills through congress, which will never happen, that I think energy should go to stopping/curtailing/public awareness of earmarks. I'm not sure I understand everything I should about earmarks, but I know I don't like what I've heard."
Ummm; How to respond to that? Did she really mean "...stopping/curtailing public awareness?" In other words, the public should remain in the dark and unaware of what Congress is doing? I don't think so. I know this person and she is more level headed than that. I think she meant that the public has become aware of "Earmarks" and that they (Earmarks) need to be stopped! I agree with that. The interpretation is in the last phrase, "I know I don't like what I've heard."
The problem with earmarks is that they are "business as usual" for Congress. It is a deal made with other congress men and women to give a vote and get a vote. "You ensure that I will get this funding and I will make sure you will get your funding." Let's rephrase: I vote for your pet cause if you will vote for mine. Vote swapping!
Where's the integrity? Where's the keeping of their oath. Wikipedia; Oath of Office; "It is often considered treason or a high crime to betray a sworn oath of office."
This is the oath of office taken by all congress members. " I, Loyal Citizen of the Republic, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."
Where does it allow for Earmarks? Where does it allow for deal making and vote swapping? "..true faith and allegiance to the same;" Doesn't that mean supporting and defending the Constitution? "...without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion;" Doesn't this mean to be true to the oath? "...I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office..." Doesn't this mean that they will do what they promise and keep their word?
How can deal making and vote swapping be an action of faithfully discharging the duties? Don't you get it? "Earmark" is just another word for deal making or vote swapping. The solution to the problem is to FORCE congress to deal with just one issue; one bill! Then the issue being voted on is the issue! Not a swap! Either you vote for it or you vote against it. You, the Congress, are the People's voice. We did not send you there to make deals! We sent you there to look after the People's Business! We sent you there to be loyal to the cause of governing! So Govern!
If "We the People" want to "focus our energy" on something worthwhile, focus it on single issue bills in Congress. Write your representative. Tell them how you feel about their conduct in Congress. Tell them you don't care for the deal making and vote swapping. Tell them you want a response from them explaining how they feel about the issue. Tell them you are watching their performance.
Do you want business as usual or do you want to help take back this country? If you don't get involved, aren't you just conducting "business as usual"?
That's as I see it!
Please read my previous discourse on "Single Issue Bills."