I was in a department store the other day;. . . you know, the kind that sells groceries, paint, auto supplies and clothing. I was looking specifically for some painting supplies and found the brush I wanted within a group of other brushes. I made my selection and went to the check out to pay. The brush rang up at a very different price than what it was labeled on the shelf so I questioned it immediately.
The checkout clerk paged a coworker for a price check. The eager coworker showed up then quickly ran to the paint brush shelf and did a price check, returning with the news that my selection had been put on the wrong shelf and the price it rang up as was correct. I chose to make a different selection and returned to the paint supply area.
As I perused the shelves studying the selections and deciding which one would fill my need at the most economical price, I couldn’t help thinking how miss labeling also has an impact in our political environment and spending. Do you recall the "Clear Skies Initiative"? It sounds like we are going to clean up our atmosphere, but in actuality, allowed factories to put more pollutants into the air.
Do you recall the "Healthy Forest" package put out by this administration? It sounds like we are going to clean up our forests and make it healthier for us and the forest. In actuality, it lets large corporations harvest trees on government land and in protected areas.
Here’s another one; the "Prescription Drug Bill." Do you remember it? Labeled as a Drug Benefit for Americans, in actuality, is a multi-billion dollar boondoggle for the pharmaceutical companies.
I don’t believe that department store intentionally miss labeled that paintbrush. It wouldn’t be in their best interest to do that. But can I trust an administration that says one thing and does another? What is their best interest?
When "they," the administration, explains the above miss labeling, they explain as brilliant political maneuvering by Carl Rove. Is it really? Is it "Political Maneuvering" or outright lying? The department store did not intentionally miss label that paintbrush. This Republican Administration purposely miss labels almost everything it does. That’s lying!
That’s As I see it . . .
What do you think?