Friday, July 20, 2007


. . . ignored the co-equal part of government, the Congress, and just did what he wanted by “Executive Order?” What if Clinton spied on Americans without warrants and completely ignored the FISA Court? What if Clinton ordered torture and extreme “rendition?”

Imagine what the “family values,” conservative right, “moral majority” would respond to all of that! They would IMPEACH him!

Why are the President of the United States, the Vice-President of the United States and the Attorney General of the United States still in office? If roles were reversed and the Democrats had done what this president claims is his right as the “Unitary Executive,” you know the Republicans would be hollering at the top of their lungs, “Foul! Foul!”

I have been patient, waiting for the congress to plod through the seemingly endless rounds of subpoenas, investigations and committees. What I didn’t expect was for the president to simply declare himself above the law and completely ignore the processes well established by this country, our Constitution and the hard work of Congress. That surprised me. That scares me!

We are closer to a Fascist government than we have ever been before! This president, his vice president and the attorney general need to be removed. The only thing that protects them from the Constitutionally authorized process of getting it done are some stalwart Republicans that support their party above their country!

If you have followed the Congressional hearings into the attorney firings, you will observe things like witnesses saying they took an oath to their president. WHAT!?

When people are elected or appointed to an office to serve the people, they swear an oath to the CONSTITUTION! Not the president! They serve at the “pleasure of the president,” but they do not swear an oath to him. If you study history, you will find the last few times people swore an oath to an individual, their FUHRER, it was either to Hitler or Stalin! Did that come out well?

America, WAKE UP!!!! Pressure your representatives and senators to action! We have to take back our country!

That’s not only “As I See It”; It should be how we ALL see it!