Thursday, July 05, 2007


So says former National Security Advisor for Ronald Reagan, Gen. William Odom. His logic is perfect. I just hope the Congress of the United States is listening.

. . . but probably not.

I have talked to my congressman, written my senators and received explanations. I have listened to politician’s interviews on Air America by various talk show hosts and what I hear is this: “They are so busy with day to day business, they do not have time to keep up with the news media.”

What does Congress listen to? Do you realize how meaningful ‘what they listen to’ is? They listen to you! . . .IF you communicate with them. . . .

The principal of our government is representation. That means that many voices are represented by one; and for that voice to represent us, they must understand what we want. For our representatives to do their job, they have to hear from US! Contact your Congressman or Senator and tell them how you feel.

Tell them how you feel about . . .

Falsified information to go into Iraq,
Conflating the 9/11 attack with Iraq,
The outing of a CIA agent working on nuclear proliferation,
Suspension of habeas corpus,
The denial that habeas corpus is in the Constitution,
Being above the law,
Granting “no-bid” contracts to Halliburton,
The Energy Commission being private,
The Vice-President declaring he is not part of the Executive Branch,
The deaths in Iraq; of Iraqis and Americans.

Choose a topic and call your representative. Choose from the above or make your own issue. Just call!

If you really want to support our troops, you will do this simple thing!

That’s As I See it. . .