Things from the last century have way of being carried forward into the next.
Buggy whips were important in 1900. They became out dated as the automobile became popular. We are at another turn of the century and it seems that FREEDOM has become replaced by a more popular right of religion. Let me explain how I feel about religion before I break into my main point. We have Freedom OF religion in our country. That means we can worship any way we want. There is no STATE RELIGION, like there was and is in England. If you did not worship in the state certified religion, you ran the risk of being jailed back then. That is why the founders thought it important to give us that freedom. Religion and church should and does not have any connection with governance. We are free from state sanctified religion.
But doesn't that also mean freedom FROM religion? Shouldn't we be allowed to NOT worship at all? But that freedom seems to be going the way of the buggy whip. It is a "quaint" and "interesting" idea but "no one of any importance believes it." It is important for our politicians to be "RELIGIOUS."
When I hear George W. Bush supporters say, "At least he is a christian." I think to myself, weren't all the previous presidents christian? If you check your history book, you will find they were ALL Christians! What's different about George W. Bush?
Does he have some special anointment by God? Is George some kind of heavenly messenger?
I say "NO!" George is just like every other demagogue in histroy that thought he was a messenger of god. George is a man; and a not too intelligent man at that. George didn't finish his military obligation. George didn't have to compete to get into college, (his daddy was an alumni). George didn't have to suffer the consequence of his many failures. There was always someone with MONEY to bail out poor George. George was born with a silver foot in his mouth.
George is a failure. If you don't belive me, Goggle FAILURE and click on "I feel lucky." But does that account for the religious right to support him with such loyalty? The religious right is looking for that prophesied moment in the future to bring on the "Coming of God." Could George possibly be that person?
Let's look at it logically. EVERY human interpretation of prophecy has ended in failure. EVERY single one who said "LOOK! HERE IS THE COMING!" has been wrong! Since George is already a failure at everything he has ever done, he fits right in. George is not your messiah. George is a failure.
My point about religion is this: You are free to worship any god you wish. You are free to have the most bizarre of religious beliefs. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CONTROL THE WAY I WANT TO DO THINGS! Because I have freedom FROM religion!
When Geroge W. Bush uses his religious philosophy to make decisions for this country, he is wrong and should be removed from office. It's as simple as that.
Freedom of Religion is not a buggy whip. Freedom FROM Religion is a right! DO NOT force a religious philosophy upon me because YOU think God Is Coming!
Allow me to pause and stop yelling. . .
Here is my point:
Freedom FROM religion is as much a right as Freedom OF religion. Do not force religious thought upon me! I am an American and I have that right.