Two Societies:
There’s such political division these days. People who are politically active are either far left or far right. There doesn’t seem to be any way of reconciling the differences. It proceeds with name calling and labeling. So I started wondering how this country would be if one side won. . .
Conservative America, AKA Neo-Con America:
Business is king. There are no restrictions on opportunities to make money in any way that any entrepreneur wants to try. Of course, that entrepreneur must get support, funding or permission from the leading corporation in their district before trying because government and corporations are closely aligned. This business class has worked so well that people are divided socially into just two classes; Officers and Working Class. Every college graduate, only the wealthy go to college, has the goal of becoming an oficer and all uneducated people, and there are many, must be satisfied with useful employment.
Jobs are difficult to find and the only way to become successful, as defined by how much money one makes, is to stay with a job for life. That way one works their way into ever-higher positions of salary and can afford to provide for their family. Families are encouraged, one man, one woman, one or two children. Single life is not acceptable.
On the social level, people are encouraged to stay at home or go to church. The only government approved activity is professional sports, for which tickets are highly sought and expensive. Non approved activities are monitored and names are taken and added to a list. The Officer class has special seating and are often recognized to the admiring crowd prior to the start of the match. Highly paid athletes compete in various individual and team matches that are violent and can cause serious injury or even death. The crowds cheer loudest at those moments.
People move in assembled groups on streets and in shopping centers. Buying is encouraged and credit is abundantly available. Most are in debt to their corporation, living facility or the government. Their only hope of paying that debt is to continue working and make more money. Hard work is encouraged. In every store, street and park, there are public broadcast screens encouraging people to be part of society, to work hard, to buy things that make them happy, to worship in their local church and to have only two children to replace themselves. They must support the working class and the conflict that is always going on somewhere because of terrorists.
Laws do not allow for individual freedoms because survival and protection of society is more important than the individual. Corporations have been given legal authority to enforce laws, keep the peace and identify any that would defy the state. Anti-corporation movements are quickly squelched. Protest is illegal. Unions are illegal and defined as anti-corporation. Government functions mostly as a figurehead to support the military and the corporations.
War news is generally good but the vigil must be kept. The nation is always winning but is in a continuous battle against the godless terrorists that would destroy the nation. The national leader is a handsome man of middle age that gives rousing nationalistic speeches that stir the patriotic blood and increase the ranks of the military fighting men. Flags are everywhere. Anyone who does not have a flag, disrespects the flag or misses more than two patriotic celebrations is investigated by the secret police. Privacy is non-existent. All communications are monitored and any suspicious activity is quickly investigated. It is part of the War Powers act passed many years before.
Progressive America, AKA Liberal:
Business is good. Corporations, though legal, are no longer considered persons and are regulated for the common good of workers and consumers. New businesses arise, some succeed and some fail. Small businesses are the largest employers. Medical benefits and old age security is guaranteed and people are free to take any job they wish, join a union or start their own business. Taxes are progressive. Those that make more, pay more.
College education is guaranteed and anyone who does not want to attend college can take abbreviated training to learn a trade. Both are supported by taxes. Due to this arrangement, the nation has established itself as a leader in technology and medical research.
People enjoy many activities in and out of the home and are free to choose. Churches are independent and all religions are legal as long as they do not cause harm to others or violate the laws of the land. There is complete separation of church and state. There are nine classes of people, the very rich, the middle class and the poor. Each class has three classes of upper, middle and lower. People can achieve whatever status they want, accumulate all the wealth they desire and can pass on most of it to their heirs but it is taxed when it exceeds a certain amount. The poorest class can get government subsidy to ensure sustenance and housing.
Home ownership is encouraged. Lending institutions are regulated so interest rates are fair and reasonable. Employment is abundant and it is a crime to hire or employ illegal aliens. Imports may have tariffs to control and protect our industries. Manufacturing has increased and exports are on the rise.
The people are free to protest, vote and change the participate in government. Government answers to the people and elections are fair. There is a constant battle of philosophy between the Liberals and the Neo-Conservatives, but people are well educated about history and are careful not to repeat it. Neo-Cons are free to express themselves but no one takes them very seriously. Conservative ideology has been reborn and is on the rise.
It is an ever, persistent vigil to protect our way of life. Many people from other nations want to move and live here so immigration is controlled. Many disputes arise about immigration laws, defining our National Culture, language and borders. It is an ongoing struggle in the legislatures.
Life is generally peaceful. Although there are those who would destroy us, our nation keeps a steady vigil and watch to protect us.
That's as I see it. . . How do you see it?