Saturday, January 13, 2007

Dear One, I agree with your entire first paragraph. The business side, (big money), have manipulated the “Christian Right” into voting for them as the “Values Party.” But just look at their supposed “Values.” This has been a very corrupt Republican Party, using Christian Principals to appeal to voters. From Jack Abramoff to Terri Shiavo, they have demonstrated their hypocrisy. That’s what got them voted out and put the Democrats in control.

Your second paragraph causes us to depart philosophically. I am not claiming infallibility for Democrats, nor am I saying that ALL Democrats are pure and honest. Power can and does corrupt. That’s why we, the people, must watch our politicians and vote accordingly. However, your assertion that Democrats were responsible for the inflation of the 70’s is an old Republican rant I’ve heard for years. The reality is quite different. Nixon put in price controls and froze wages to prevent inflation. That’s how Republicans dealt with it. When Nixon resigned in disgrace and Ford took over, he left them in place. Quite a tactic for the party that supposedly believes in the free market, huh? When Carter got elected, (and, by the way, a Christian) he removed the wage and price controls to let the economy do a natural balancing out. The economy did just that and the Republicans have been saying disparaging things about Carter ever since. We still have the remnants of that inflationary spiral with credit card interests. Haven’t you ever wondered how they get away with 16 to 25% interest rates? Because they found out the public would pay it, that’s why. And here’s a little side bar I encourage you to research; when the last congress passed the bankruptcy bill, they let the credit card companies write much of the legislation, wouldn’t allow the Democrats to make amendments and didn’t allow enough time to read before the vote.

Your third point, about the Christians helping the poor, YES, I see it all the time. They truly do have empathy and act in small groups like that all the time. But let me point to Katrina. Where were the big “Christian” organizations then? There were a lot of individual Christians and church groups that helped, but where were the big name groups that Bush gives taxpayer money to? Check the history. They weren’t there.

Finally, Empathy. If money means more to a person than feelings for their fellow man, then I consider that as having no empathy. Money is not the root of all evil. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. When a person or party puts the value of the dollar above the value of life, the right of privacy or the freedoms of the individual; that shows a lack of empathy, even if that person is a Democrat! I’m just saying that tendency rests more with Republicans than with Democrats.