“How will we influence each other’s thinking?”
I had a conversation recently with someone who is dear to me. The conversation was about politics. He suggested that family members shouldn’t discuss politics or religion. I disagreed and said that as long as people are civil, it absolutely should be discussed because how else would we influence each other’s thinking?
During a conversation, sometimes things are said that weren’t intended; or, are phrased so brilliantly, they should be written down. Such a thing happened in our conversation, something brilliant, I mean. It was said that the main difference between a Democrat/Liberal/Progressive and a Republican/Conservative/Libertarian is one of empathy.
A person with empathy can “feel” another’s pain, discomfort or need. A person without empathy feels only his or her own need and desires. A person with empathy is a Democrat/Liberal/Progressive; a person with none, a Republican/Conservative/ Libertarian. [(My apologies to Libertarians who do not align themselves with Republicans) and there are many of you]
There are, of course, levels of empathy. Some can feel a little empathy while others feel a great deal. Does this level of empathy make one lean a certain way politically? Perhaps. But I believe a person without the ability to have empathy and to think only of themselves, relegates one to being a conservative. I make that statement because of their stated philosophy.
If you Google Republican Philosophy and then Google Democratic Philosophy, you will find countless sites defining in grandiose terms the Republican ideas of free enterprise, business without government interference, and the right for the individual to make a living for themselves. I didn’t find a single site defining the Democratic Philosophy. Does this mean they don’t have one? Hardly.
I think it means the Republicans/Conservatives/Libertarians are very vocal about their beliefs and very militant about protecting them. They state their philosophy in grand written terms. My problem is what they DO in practice. They attempt to take advantage of the uninformed, underprivileged, or needy. If there is a way to make money from someone’s misery, they will find it. One recent example that comes to mind is the instant loan companies. Republicans representatives actually defend the right of that type of business to exist. In reality, those companies get up to 500% return on loans. Sixty Minutes recently did an expose on it. One example they gave was a military Sergeant that borrowed approximately $250 and had to pay back almost $1500 in payments. Do you see anything wrong with that? Republicans don’t.
If you see something wrong with that but are a Republican, maybe you are in the wrong party and for a wrong reason. If you see something wrong with that, you have empathy. You belong in the Democratic Party!
When you feel someone’s pain, discomfort, struggle, or need, you are part of a community. Civilization takes a community that supports each other, not people who prey on each other.
The right to make money or establish a business is not exclusive, giving one the right to act unethically, selfishly or greedily. The right to live in a community and be part of a community requires us to care about each other and assist each other. Does that mean you can’t make money from loaning money? No, it means the loan needs to have a reasonable interest. That’s where government regulations come in.
Republicans HATE government regulations. They imply it in their philosophy.
Democrats WORK to help their community. They prove it by what they do.
Which do believe in? The right to prey on your fellow human being? Or the obligation to help?
That’s as I see it. . . What about you?