Monday, January 22, 2007

George Flip Flops AGAIN. . .

Remember when George Bush said he would preserve the environment by curbing CO2 emissions and then when it came time to do it, he flipped flopped? Remember when George promised to allow small companies to join together to get a better insurance program for employees and then didn’t do it? Twice; once in each election? Remember when George promised a "New Way Forward" by listening to advisers and taking in all the information about Iraq? Then fired generals who did not agree with him, ignored the Iraq commission and put a Navy Admiral in charge of land forces because the admiral did agree with him? Remember that George’s New Way Forward is just the same endless war but under a different name!

My point is that George seems determined to stay in Iraq no matter what the cost, no matter what the feelings of the country are and no matter how many smart people are telling him it is the wrong thing to do. George will continue with continuing because to George, staying the course is the only sign of strength.

George has no personal involvement in Iraq. If someone he cared about were there he might feel differently. But he has two partying daughters that won’t serve and several cousins, nieces and nephews, none of which are in the service. The only ones with a personal involvement with this war are the ones serving and their loved ones. This country may be at war but you would never know it by the way we conduct ourselves. Life goes on. In fact, George’s admonition to the people of the United States, "Go shopping."

I have said before that I think George is insane. He is not the type of insanity that would cause harm to himself. He just causes harm to others. He is a Sociopath. He is incapable of feeling, of empathy. George only thinks of George. And a person who feels that way is a coward!

We are not as close to Fascism today as we once were before the mid-term elections due to the American people seeing what was happening and showing up to express their dissatisfaction. That is fortunate. The unfortunate reality of now is that George wants to go to war with Iran and has people around him who feel the same way.

I will be watching the congress very closely to see how they deal with him. I hope you will, too.

That’s, As I see it. . .