Thursday, January 08, 2009

Bi-Partisanship? What the Hell?

I have been watching the political scene since Georgie-Boy became president. Until then, I left politics up to my representative and senator in congress. Since then, I have heard a lot of word tossing of “Bi-Partisanship” by both parties. It scares me.

Republicans have controlled the congress for over eight years. They have had their way with complete disregard of Bi-Partisanship while at the same time, requesting it from Democrats. What I heard was, “Let us do what we want because we have the majority!”

To prove that, remember when the Senate Majority Leader, Bill Frist from Tennessee ®, threatened the “Nuclear Option” of modifying the rules-of-the-senate to eliminate the Filibuster? Remember how the Republicans whined when they couldn’t have their way in the 109th Congress in every little detail because of the filibuster by the Democrats? Remember that they had their way enough to put this country in the mess it is in right now! (If you don’t know what the filibuster is, Google it)

Now I am hearing the same bit of “Bi-Partisanship” requests from the Democrats in the upcoming 111th Congress. It scares me because I want the Democrats to act as swiftly as they can to undo as much of the harm the Republicans have foisted on We The People as they can in the shortest amount of time!

Conservative Economics does not work! It has never worked! It will never work! Any time you hear “supply side” “trickle down” or “conservative” associated with an economic philosophy, vote against it! It gives increased wealth, power and control to the wealthy and transfers the tax burden to the middle and lower classes. Just look at the situation we are in; record setting deficits, high unemployment, we are a debtor nation instead of a loaner nation, we manufacture very little. Conservative Economics, by its very nature, hates labor, a strong middle class and tries to give as many breaks as possible to business. The last go-around did it by eliminating regulations. The lack of regulations allowed risky loans, bad decisions and theft of our National Wealth.

Talk to your congressman and senators. Tell them to move swiftly to restore regulations that prevent their sort of economics, just as this country did after the Great Depression.

I wonder what we will call this Republican Depression?