Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It’s Time to Begin The Great Undoing . . .

I watched Barack Obama take the oath of office today. I heard words of praise, respect, admonition, reality and warning. It has been awhile since this country got a dose of reality, asking all of us to get to work and help bring this nation out of the mess 28 years have put us in.

Kennedy was the last one to ask not what this country can do for us but to ask what we can do for this country. Barack is asking us to work together and rightly so. We the people are in a mess!

The mess is from greed, deregulation, trust and belief in the free market system and too many years of Conservative control of our country.

Of note to me were the passages in the inaugural speech that showed a clear separation from the Bush agenda. We, as a people, will not separate our values from our safety. We, as a people, will welcome healthy relations with foreign nations of every religion and creed if they open their fist and shake our hand. If foreign nations choose to clench that fist, they will find a resilient nation ready to defeat them and defeat them we will!

That is the first Great Undoing from the Bush administration!

We the People, must now hold this administration responsible for the proper direction of this country. The time of promises had passed. The time of elections and debates have passed. It is time for the correction to begin.

We must establish fair business practices and prevent the wealthy from exploiting the rest.

We must establish a health system that allows for everyone to receive proper medical treatment without loosing his or her life savings.

We must correct our image to the rest of the world. We are a nation of laws and those who break those laws will be held responsible. No one is above the law; even an ex-president of the United States. Crimes committed against humanity and in violation of International treaties must be prosecuted. It is the only way to correct our image and restore faith that America is a nation of Freedom and Right!

We must begin to heal from within. This philosophical divide between Democratic and Republican ideals must work together so, We The People, are well served by a government that works.

My fear is that too many believe it is “business as usual” for politics. Already, Cronin from Texas has put a stop to the voice vote to accept Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, inevitable as it is. Some Republicans may think they can stifle progress and cooperation. Hopefully, the steady work by Obama and the Democratic Party will counter that and get things done so we can undo all the damage. And when these “Obstructionists” persist in their efforts, We The People will contact our representatives and senators to encourage them to do the right thing for the country and for the masses.

We the People are tired of being spoken down to; like we are too uninformed to understand the complexities of politics.

We understand this: You, the politicians, work for us! And we are taking this country back!

That’s As I see it. . .