“Change” Or government as usual?
It’s been quite a respite. I have suffered personally from this economic disaster created by conservative, Republican philosophies. (Ever notice that previous staunch Republicans are now saying they are actually more Libertarian? It was also difficult to find anyone who voted for Nixon after he was disgraced. Before that disgrace, it was hard to find anyone who wasn’t a Nixon supporter.)
I want to pursue my team-of-horses metaphor. The team is now loaded with left leaning, people oriented horses and they are starting to pull the coach toward the center. The Democrats have passed a Recovery Act, pulling us away from the edge of another Republican caused Depression. Republicans can only unanimously vote against it, criticize it and then partake of it by exploiting the advantages to their states that “they” have somehow secured. All without giving credit to the recovery act which is funding that very same project.
As the team makes its way back to some sort of center path through the wilderness of the future, pushing to be progressive with their choices, they discover that some on their team do not want the same things. There are three divisions in our team: Republicans, Democrats and Blue Dogs.
Dogs chase cars and, in our case, coaches. They run along side and bark and bite at the heels of those trying to move the cause ahead. It slows down, stalls and could even stop altogether if some of those horses don’t gather their courage and continue despite the barking and heel biting. Why does this happen? Didn’t “We the People” have our say, vote in Democratic Party control of government and expect things to improve?
Yes, we did. Each one of us, a majority of us, cast our vote for “Change.” Having done that, we sit and we wait and we watch. We may have changed the control of the government by party, but we haven’t yet defeated the influence of money: money that flows for example, in a volume of 1.4 Million Dollars a day to defeat Health Care Reform. Where does that money come from?
Answer: the Health Care industry, the Republican Party and their sub, sub, sub groups they fund. Is that the simple answer? No, because there’s another question. Why are the some of “We the People” so alarmed and scared? Why can’t “We the People” have a discussion at Town Hall meetings all across the country?
Money from special interest groups, the health care and pharmaceutical industries, groups and societies whose funding leads back to the Republican Party, those same special interest groups and health and pharmaceutical industries, pay for commercials that misinform and excite some of We the People. Then, a whole network, Fox News (news in name only) incites and misinforms. Talk radio incites and misinforms with constant references to fascism. Those misinformed and those deliberating misinforming are the dogs biting at the wheels and horses hoofs, trying to stop our coach and our progress. They call it free speech and hide behind that right.
Political contributions cause second thoughts in blue dog Democrats and almost all Republicans. Each politician in office has to run for office every two or six years. That easy money is hard to resist and difficult to disagree with what it represents.
So, instead of Congress investigating the crimes committed by the last administration, instead of reform of the Financial Banking industry that caused a near financial collapse and another Great Depression, instead of passing a Health Care Reform Act that stops insurance companies from denying pre-existing conditions and putting profits before people, (Pay or Die!) instead of pursuing CHANGE that would help “We the People,” we have a government controlled by special interests, industry and money!
This is not what I voted for.
That’s As I See it. . . .