Two Philosophies, Democrats Vs. Republicans; a perspective. . .
You can take the time to look up the philosophies of each major party. You will find many explanations and after you read enough, you will get the gist of their ideals; their platform. Specific issues are described as planks in that platform.
For example, one of the planks in the Republican Party platform is the elimination of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. This plank is not listed in their philosophy, but it exists in their goals to take this nation back to what they believe it should be; self-sufficiency.
A similar plank exists in the Democratic Party platform with the exact opposite goal; to establish a one-payer, or more easily described, Universal Health Care system in addition to Social Security, and Medicare.
In the simplest terms, the difference is “every man for himself” vs. “all for one and one for all.” Put another way, “the means justify the end” vs. “the end justifies the means.” (More on this one later) This blog perspective is not about the values of those two philosophies, but the way in which they are argued to the public.
Simply put, Republicans lie to their constituency to defeat a bill. Democrats try to explain the bill to gain support. It is more difficult to talk with and gain support from people who have been lied to than people who are well informed. When lied to, when misled about the goal, people with a false understanding get riled up. Fox News listeners certainly fall into this category, with 72% of them believing that Obama’s Health Care goal is to 1) Take health care from grandma and give it to illegal aliens, 2) Make the government pay for abortions, 3) Have “death panels” to deny care to old people, 4) Establish health care rationing, 5) Have Government bureaucrats between you and your doctor, and finally, 6) It is a government take-over of the health care system.
All of those are LIES! If you are one of those who believe any or all of those lies, then you probably get your news from Fox, Rush Limbaugh, McConnell or Boehner. They lie to you! They are lying to you. They will continue to lie to you. That is their justification of means to an end. Their desire, their end, is to defeat Health Care reform; in any shape, any form, any style. They SAY they want health care reform, but everything they do says otherwise.
What do the Democrats do? Democrats continue to bargain, deal, debate, and compromise to get a bill. Democrats adjust, back off, back off, and back off trying to get Republican support. No matter what the Democrats come up with, Public Option, Co-ops or even eliminate the Public Option; the Republicans are just saying NO. The only thing Republicans want, (their means to an end), is a requirement for everyone to buy health insurance from For-Profit health insurance companies. What a gift to the health insurance companies. It is similar to the gift they gave the pharmaceuticals with their Medicare Part D. It was a requirement to pay for your own drugs once you exhausted the benefit and reached the donut hole. Remember that?
Remember what I said earlier, about being informed vs. being lied to? Well, those who are well informed out number those who are lied to. We, the well informed, call our representatives, our Senators and are actively working for a Universal Health Care plan. There may be a counter in that work and calling, but we have a substantial advantage. We out number you! We vote, as you do, but when the votes are counted, well, it’s pretty simple; we out number you!
Representatives and Senators want to be re-elected. They need votes to do that. If the Congress does not pass the kind of Health Care reform we want, they will be voted out of office; and they know that!
We WILL get what we want; without lying, without yelling at town hall meetings, without carrying loaded guns to those meetings as a means of intimidation, and without preventing others from being able to speak at those meetings. Our means justify the end; we will have a health care program that serves “We the People” and not corporate profits.
In a way, I feel sorry for you, the uninformed. It will take a complete implementation of the program, your use of it and finally, you fondness of it before you realize what we, the informed, have provided for you. Then you can say, similar to what you say now, “I don’t want no stickin’ government run program and keep your hands of my health care!”
That’s As I See it. . . .