When voters hand you a Mandate; USE IT!
The House of Representatives is under Democratic Party control by a wide margin. That margin began in the election of ’06 and continued in ’08, rejecting the Republican Party philosophies and control. We the People were fed up with Bush and all of his cronies.
The Senate got a bare majority of Democrats in ’06 by a margin of 51 to 49. That, admittedly, included two Independents, Sanders and Lieberman. Sanders votes solidly with the Democrats, but Lieberman can go either way. That tenuous grasp of control of the Senate could and would transfer to the Republicans when and if Lieberman voted with the Republicans, giving a 50/50 vote and letting the Vice President (Cheney as the President of the Senate) cast the deciding vote.
I explain all of that because I want you to remember what it was like in Congress when the Republicans had complete control. Bush wanted tax cuts for the wealthy; he got it. Bush wanted “No child left behind;” he got it. Bush wanted supplemental bills to fund his war in Iraq; he got it. Virtually every Republican voted for what the president wanted and some Democrats voted with him as well.
Now what do we see? Every; that is worth repeating; EVERY Republican votes against Obama. Republicans demand “Bi-partisanship.” But we know what that means. Just look at their performance when they were in charge. If Democrats didn’t agree and follow, they were called Obstructionists. When the democrats threatened the filibuster, the majority leader threatened the nuclear option of removing the filibuster with a simple majority vote removing the filibuster rule.
Remember that!
Because what I advocate now is for my Representative and my two Senators to do what We the People want. End the tax cuts for the rich to help stop the deficit. Put in a Universal Health Care system that doesn’t rob someone of their home and a life’s worth of work just because they got sick. END Corporate control of my country!
I am fed up with Democrats continuing to seek bi-partisan decisions and attempting to get Republican support. Apparently, THEY DON’T GET IT! Republicans will not cooperate with Democrats. Republicans do not want “Bi-Partisanship” unless it is done their way. Republicans are the true obstructionists, just saying “NO” to everything.
But we don’t need their support!
We have control of the Congress. JUST DO IT! Give us, give “We the People,” what we want; what we voted you into office to get, and what this country needs. Take control of our country away from corporations and give it back to us!
If it doesn’t happen, many Democrats will find themselves voted out of office in the next election.
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Now, a personal note. . .
This blog is not an outlet for religious freaks to bark their philosophy. They have every right to believe the way they do, practice their religion the way they do and to preach about their beliefs the way they do. I will just not allow it on this blog.
There is a separation of religion and government in my country. “We the People” ARE the government. This blog is about how “We the People” can use secular means to make this country fulfill the promise; a government of, for, and by the people.
If what you want is a theocracy, a government based on religious principles (even though you deny it), then live in Iran, Iraq, or Taliban controlled Afghanistan. These are places where religious based thoughts are being worked out. If you prefer a more peaceful example, try Indonesia. It is a religious based, secular government with such stringent rules that there is no freedom of choice. Do the research.
I served in the military, representing what I believe is a wonderful country and defending the rights we hold dear. Did you? I defend everyone’s rights, whether I agree with what you believe or not. I will fight for you to maintain your rights. But remember this my little inexperienced, ill-informed, radical preacher: I will fight just as hard and to the death to prevent you from taking those rights from others!
Now, go away.
That’s As I See it. . . .